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[Oh yeah, I never did explicitly mention V's age in these backstories <or ever> lmao. So she was 14/15 when she left Atlanta for N.C., 17/18 when her friends were Soulkilled and present day she's 26 for reference. Now back to the story]

[TW/CW: Abuse, Drug & Alcohol Usage/Mentions, Implied Sexual Assault, Idealization of Suicide.]

"Everyone who passes you, who you meet in your life, they all will sucumb to a dire fate. All will perish because of you."

"WAKE UP!" I jolt awake in a world unlike the one I perished in. A world made entirely of binary coding surrounding an endless void. I stared into the palms of my hands, seeing dozens of "0"s and "1"s.

"Where....where am I?"

"Hell? Heaven- no. This isn't an afterlife. Just digi-hell." Scar growled as they appeared besides me. "Shit. Never thought I would despise death this much....not like I'm even dead. It's just....weird...."

"Scar, where are the others? What-"

"I don't know and I don't give a shit. Our fates are sealed, V. We are just fuckin stuck here, all because of that FUCKING DRUG ADDICT!!!"

"I didn't ask to be rescued." Raine spoke up. Scar was taken back by her sudden arrival.

"Raine, I didn't mean-"

"You're a tiresome prick. I knew I was gonna die when I was taken. You all risking your lives for me was the dumbest thing you could've done but ya'll dug your graves. NOW LAY IN IT!" Just as Raine was about to struck me, she fazed through me. "Wha-?"

I felt a tingling sensation as I looked down at my fingers. The coding began to disappear as my body became transparent as I felt weightless. "WHAT'S GOIN ON?!"


"I'll, I'll rescue yall! I promise!" The coding began to vanish faster and faster as my being felt light.

"V, PLEASE!" Scar cried out as they reached for me. "DON'T LEAVE US-"

Everything went silent.
Everything went black.

V.....wake up.

The beeping of life supporting machines became the first thing to hit my ears as I awaken in a brightly lit room, laying on a stretcher.

"Where....am...I....?" I weakly spoke.

"The procedure worked?!" A manly voice spoke in excitement. I shook my drowziness away as I looked at the doctor. "V?" I nodded my head. "You were Soulkilled and I brought you back! Not in the same body, unfortunately."

"Wha....what happened? Who are you?"

"The name is Max Lexus, I work for Arasaka. The boss asked me to, how you say, "reinstall" your soul-"

"Wait....where's my body? You said this wasn't my own skin....."

"Yes, unfortunately returning you to your prior body is impossible. Soulkilling destroys all the neurons and synapses in your brain, making the body dead in a literal and metaphorical sense." I was silent for a moment as I sat up, looking Max in the eyes. Emerald green eyes stared back at me in a body made of metal with flesh attatched. "You're in the body of a droid, V. I'm sorry I couldn't save your body but you must leave."


"Boss man wants to use you, to experiment on you. You...you have to run, V. Save yourself."

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now