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Panam's POV

Family was everything. I had to keep reminding myself that as I grabbed a sterile needle and begun stitching up the open gash across my right shoulder. I ran into some Raffen Shiv scum while transporting some supplies, nothing more than a few cuts and bruises luckily. I'm just afraid luck may run out.....

I shook my head.

For the clan.

My fingertips were stained in my own blood as I finished up, wrapping the stitchwork with some bandages before laying in my bed.

"Panam?!," Dakota came running into my tent, looking distressed. I was shocked to see the fixer out of her tent, even moreso looking paler than a ghost.

"What's up? What's the matter?" I grabbed my rifle out of instincts.

"Saul, Mitch. Theyre gone." I rose to my feet, my eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean gone?"

"They were taken. Fucking Raffens, they held us at gunpoint..." Grinding my teeth with rage, I marched out of my tent towards my truck.
"Panam, you can't rescue them solo-"

"I'm not," I started the engine.
"Take care of the clan, if I don't return." Speeding off in the sandy dirt roads, I looked back at my camp, my clan, my family.
"Family's worth dying for. Time to make amends," I sped off towards Heywood. Hopefully, I didn't burn too many bridges in my wake. Hope the fire's not burning too hot.


Megabuilding H8 always reeked of blood and cigarette ashes. Never knew why V would stay at a dump like this. Never questioned why either. Apartment number 420, ironic and iconic. Knocking four times, I heard rustling inside her apartment before a familiar face filled me with much dread.

"Judy," I spoke monotonedly as I stayed in the threshold of the doorway.

"Panam, what brings you 'round?," Judy welcomed me inside, which I accepted but I remained focused on the mission at hand.

"The Aldecados, we really need V-"

"Ah, I see. Come scrambling back for the merc to do your dirty work, eh?" She folded her arms over her chest as she leaned against the wall.
"Why you need her so badly?"

"My leader and brother were kidnapped by Shivs. I fear we do not have much time before they're gone for good."

Judy mumbled to herself before holo-ing V.

"Silver, I need V back A.S.A.P."

Silverhand, fuck me.

"Yeah....Yeah..... I know. Look, we can still do it just, fuck me.....Get home as fast as you can, alright?.....Then fucking delta....Later." She looked back at me before walking over to the couch and taking a seat. I sat down besides her.

"Should I bother asking?"

"Johnny's back in control, don't know for how long though...." She sighed before tossing me a beer.

"Well, where is V or Silver so to speak?"

"Right now, escaping Trauma Spekies that wanna probe them. Only called them because V's seizure's were getting worse." Judy cracked open her beer and chugged it like it was water.
"They won't be long, trust me."

"Every moment I sit here is a moment my people are suffering," I looked st Judy dead in the eyes.
"And you're treating this like a joke, like a game, like this is just some side gig we can just sweep under the rug." I got up from my seat and headed for the door.
"I'm sending V my coords. Either she'll help me or she'll help bury our bodies."

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now