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(One week later....)

Leather boots thumped against the pavement. Chrome shinned against the moonlight. Pitter patter of rain drisling down the window pane. Cigarette smoke flowed through the air, blood slipping from veins.

This is Night City.

I groaned as I longed for a cigarette. V smoked my last one a week ago. Looking at back her body laying in my bed, if it wasn't for the faint groans and mumbling, I would ponder the idea she flatlined.

My phone dinged as I walked to the kitchen to fix a bite to eat.

Panam ♤
Hey, Juds. How're you holdin up?

Better than yesterday. How's the fam?

Panam ♤
Still urking me per usual. Is V....?

No but she's still unconscious.
Can swing by later if you want.
Rather not be alone.....

Panam ♤
Omw, be there in 30
Need anything?

Desperately need to smoke

Panam ♤
Understood, see you soon ♡
Also, managed to get V a little something. Rogue mentioned it to me and after a bit of scouting, I have it.

Whatca get?

Panam ♤
Tis a surprise. See you soon amiga

"V, please wake up soon," I sighed as I poured some tequila, downing it like water.
"I need you."

V's POV (NSFW ahead)

"Ugh, my head." I threw the comforter off of me as I finally stood up on my own two feet. Felt like I haven't been alive in a long time or, at least, in control of myself.
"JUDS!" I coughed as exited her room.
Judy sat on her couch, watching a BD, left hand holding a cigarette, right hand pleasuring her naked lower half. I quickly turned away and headed for the shower, I reeked of blood, sweat, and alcohol. Closing and locking the door behind me, I looked at myself in the mirror. Red eye, purple eye, blue implants, scars upon scars upon scars. Implant on my neck. Gorilla arms plated with gold and chrome. Stitches and scars and burns along my chest and torso. Yep, this was my body. I'm still V. Hot water trickling down my spine, a comforting sensation after being "dead" for a while. I let the water soak into my hair, allowing my natural curls to form up as the synthetic straightening chemicals swirled into the drain. Facing the shower head, the boiling hot droplets kissed each wound and scar, making the pain that much less unbearable. As I lathered and basked in the warmth of the shower, I could hear faint moans from outside these walls.



I shook my head and scrubbed the shampoo into my hair.


Just ignore it, V. You shouldn't interrupt an intimate moment. 'Specially when it's involving you.

Judy's moaning became louder and louder, to the point I feared any conscious neighbor would be banging at the door, ready to start shit.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now