Chapter 9

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Jayy's POV

I stood up from my spot and got dressed into my regular clothes. I stepped out of the restroom stall and looked into the mirror. Blood shot eyes, messy hair and dry tears on my face. Yup I look like a wreak. I looked through my pants. I found a mini comb. What? I need to take care of my hair. I combed my hair a bit and washed my face. I looked back into the mirror. Okay not as bad as it was before. I heard the door to the restroom open. I saw Sean through the mirror. He ran up to me and hugged my side. I slightly smiled and hugged him back. We pulled away and his face became serious. He looked down at my arm and back at my face. I pulled my sleeve lower.

"Show me." he said strictly. I shook my head. He gripped my arm in his hand and pulled it to him. He pushed up my sleeve. I flinched. My burns showed. My red puffy arm. He sighed. He pushed my sleeve back down and dragged me back out of the restroom. We walked back to my hospital room to see Spencer and Blake still there.

"C'mon." Sean whispered. We all got up and went to the receptionist office. They signed me out and we walked out of the hospital.

"Where are we going to go now? Jen and Todd are dead because of me." Sean whispered.

"I only have one guest room with a bed so one of you guys can stay at my place." Spencer said.

"The other can stay at mine." Blake said. I looked at Sean waiting for him to choose who he wants to go with.

"I'll go with Spencer since he wasn't mean to me the day you were 'sick'." he said. Blake smiled.

"We have to go back and get our stuff." Sean said. I was nervous. Going back to the house that I was abused in isn't the best place to be. They nodded. We walked back to the house. There was police surrounding the house. Guess we're not getting anything.

"You guys can just borrow our stuff for now." Spencer said. We nodded.

"Let's separate now. So we can talk to our parent's about letting them stay." Spencer said.

"I live alone so it doesn't matter." Blake said. I gave him a questioning look.

"I live in a apartment around here. My parents pay the bills and give me money occasionally. I just wanted to be alone you know?" he said. I nodded. I hugged Sean.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too." he whispered back. I kissed his forehead and we separated. I looked straight at Spencer.

"Take care of him." I said sternly. He looked surprised. This is the first time I talked to him directly. We went our separate ways.

"So now that I know why you don't talk..... Can you talk to me now?" Blake asked. I shook my head.

"Why....." he whined. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. He slung his arm around my neck. I pushed his arm away and continued walking. He held me by my waist. I pushed him away again.

"Well someones playing hard to get." he mumbled. I smiled slightly. We walked for a couple miles and ended up at the apartments. We walked in the elevator and went up to the 5th floor which was the highest. We walked down the hall and he stopped at a door that read 127. He opened the door with his keys and walked in. I walked in behind him. This apartment is really nice. And I mean REALLY nice. I loved it! Blake smiled at the smile on my face.

"I'm guessing you like it." he said. I nodded eagerly. He smiled.


Sarah Daniels

@fangurllyfestruggles  stories 

-Just my life.. bxb

-My bullied life bxb (completed)

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