chapter 7

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I was in the hospital waiting room. I was pacing around trying to get some information about Jayy. 

"We STILL don't have any information on Mr. Woods." the doctor said while emphasizing the 'still' part since I've been asking every two minutes literally. I sighed and sat down on the chair. I rubbed my head. Jayy HAS to be okay. He's always been strong. He can make it through this. The doctor walked back into the emergency room. After 10 minutes of waiting I walked up to the receptionists.

"How is Jayy Woods doing?" I asked. She typed something in her computer and searched through it. Her look became grave.

"I'm sorry. Mr.Woods has passed away recently." she said sadly. My heart stopped. I shook slightly.

"O-okay um t-t-thank y-you." I stuttered and sat back on my chair. She looked up from her computer.

"Oh I'm sorry did you say Jayy Woods? I mistook him for Jace Woods. I have no information on Jayy Woods yet." she said. My face brightened but then dropped again. That doesn't mean he's okay though. She almost gave me a heart attack for her little 'mistake'. ( I got that from Drake and Josh x] Props for their show) I waited a little longer more. Finally the doctor came out of the emergency room. He walked up to me.

"You can go in and see him for yourself now." he said. I nodded and stood up. I slowly made my way into the room afraid of what awaits me on the other side of the wall. I opened the door and walked in. I saw Jayy hooked up with some cables and has a breathing thing in his nose. I looked at the heart monitor. It was beeping regularly. I sighed of relief. He's okay! He's fine! I ran up to Jayy and hugged him tightly even though he was asleep. I sat in a chair next to him and held his hand. I smiled like an idiot. I heard footsteps come into the room. I looked up and saw Spencer with a bouquet of flowers and a get well soon balloon. I smiled.

"How did you know he was in the hospital?" I asked.

"News gets around fast." he said as he set the flowers and balloon on the table. He sat on the chair next to me. He looked at Jayy with worried eyes.

"Is he going to be okay?" he asked. I was about to respond until someone else walked into the room. It was Blake. He also had a bouquet of flowers and a balloon that said get well soon but in marker under it, it said 'essay buddy'. He set them with the rest and sat on the other chair opposite of Spencer and I. He looked at Jayy.

"Hi?" I said. He looked up and waved then turned back to Jayy. I looked at Spencer as if he knew what was going on. He just shrugged and watched Jayy. The doctor walked into the room.

"Hello. Are you all here for Mr.Woods?" he asked.

"No, we're here for the easter bunny. What does it look like?" Blake hissed. The doctor cleared his throat.

"Very well then. Mr. Woods is going to be fine. We got the bullet out and stitched him up. He just needs rest for a week and he'll be fine. Mr. Woods, would you mind telling us what happened to him?" the doctor asked me.

"That information is personal." I said. The doctor nodded.

"Okay then. You still have to talk to the police though about the Sander's deaths. Mr.Woods should wake up any moment now. He can leave when he wakes." the doctor said and walked out.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked Blake.

"I'm friends with Jayy." he said. I nodded and returned my gaze back to Jayy.

Jayy's POV

I woke up to people talking. I opened my eyes and saw the bright white ceiling of a hospital room. I'm in a hospital? The last thing I remember was being shot and falling off of Todd and being pulled into the darkness. I sat up and groaned from the pain at my side. I saw Sean shoot up and run towards me. He hugged me tightly. He had tears running down his face.

"I thought I would of lost you" he whispered. I shook my head.

"I would never leave you. How am I in a hospital?" I asked. I looked up as Sean let me go. I saw Spencer and Blake there. Oh my god. I just talked in front of them. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Spencer chuckled and Blake smiled.

"You should talk more. You're voice is so angelic." Blake said. I blushed and looked down.

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