32: For love

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The Underworld is still as beautiful as you recall it.

But it isn't the same, you know it isn't.

Like the first and many other prisoners you've seen entering the Throne of Judgement, there are chains that binds your hands together, hurting your wrists. Your feet are free but you still feel trapped.

The two demons you are familiar with holds you at two sides, escorting you into the room where you know your lovers sits on their seven thrones.

But they are not your lovers anymore. You've failed without even being able to say goodbye.

It's so cruel that you have to be sent back to the Underworld one last time, face them as they don't have a clue on who you are and you have to act as if everything is alright. As if the two weeks of your sweet love had never happened. As if you didn't take three sorrowful years to try and get them to love you.

You've lost to Miran from the moment they hesitated as they stood before you, not knowing whether to go to her or to stay with you.

You've lost and the world has forgotten you.

Zeus, Kai, and your seven Lords.

When you finally reach the room, there is nothing but silence saved by the sound of your feet and the chains dragging on the floor. You know they stand before you but you don't dare to look up.

Not because you are afraid of them but because you know you will cry the second you meet their eyes.

Nothing will be the same ever again and you have no idea what your future will be. Your fate is in their hands, your lover's hands. All you know is that you cannot remain in the Underworld, for all good are either reborn or sent to heaven.

You don't want to be reborn but you also don't wish to go to another place.

You want to remain with them, as cruel as it sounds, even if they won't remember a thing about you and you have to remain quiet, you wish that you can at least watch them from afar.

And perhaps, perhaps Cerberus will be the only one to remember.

You fall on your knees before them all, head lowered with your hands resting on your lap, waiting for permission to speak, if they allow you.


You want to cry at the call of your name but you know you cannot. Namjoon is a God. He knows everything and of everyone's past and all that they have done to lead them to this point. The point of death.

"Of all the mortals that have walked in here, I have never seen a more selfless and honorable heart." His voice is as strong and loud as you remember it, every time he's spoken to the mortals in this room.

Once a shield who stood by her Lords side, now sits in front of them because of her death.


You know he is referring to the sacrifices you've made so you swallow the thick lump in your throat, hoping you won't sound broken when you answer him.

"I did it for love, my King."

"You died for love?" Hoseok asks.

"Yes, my Lord."

"For the love that loved another?" Seokjin asks.

There is a short, painful silence that follows you. "Yes," you answer.

"Let me ask you a question." Namjoon stands from his throne and his feet echoes as he walks your way. You hold your breath, eyes tightly shut in hopes that if any tears are to form, they will not escape your eyes. "Would you try all over again if you were given another chance at love?"

You don't hesitate to answer the question. "Whether it is my second, third, or hundredth time, I will try and try even though I know it will never work out in the end."

"You wish to put yourself in such a painful loop over and over again?"

"No, my King, it is not painful," you say. "No matter what it takes, as long as I stand by their sides and watch them from afar, making more and new memories with them, whether it is love, friendship, or of a boss and their servant, it is more than enough to be with them alone."

He is quiet for a moment.

"You don't care about dying each time?"

"It is not death I am afraid of," a tear falls down your cheek, "it is the lack of time I have with them."

"And if you had all the time in the world with them, what would you do?"

"Love them," you simply say and your voice breaks a little, "even if they will never remember my love."

There is another silence that follows and you find yourself shrinking a little at the sight of his knee on the floor in front of you. "Raise your head, little one," Namjoon commands.

You are hesitant, but you wipe the tears from your eyes and put on a brave facade. They have never done this before but you know not to ever question them. Not when they have no idea who you are.

When your head raises, it isn't just Namjoon that stands before you, but the other six Lords are there as well. The gazes they give you is something that stabs your heart a little deeper each time you meet a pair of eyes but you do not dare to shed a tear in their presence.

Namjoon's hand hovers over your wrist and not a moment too soon, the chains around them disappears out of sight, showing the little bruised purple marks they've kissed upon you. He takes your hand, oh so gently, and the pain falls away, bruises gone with it. Your brows furrows as you look up at the God again, memories of the way the car crashed upon you and you lied on the concrete ground, glasses shattered all around you, lying in your pool of blood and hearing their voices echoing your name over and over again. Each time it becomes less clear, each time you hear it a little less.

But you can still feel the way someone caresses your face, bare of the mask you've always held, hands shaky as he holds you close to his heart. He was crying, they all were, for you have broken your promise of not dying.

"You will do that over and over again..." his voice is softer, not the kind of tone a God should be talking in towards his inferiors, "for us?"

It's whispered so softly, not even like an echo but as if the wind has just passed. Yet you hear it, you know you did not hear it wrong.

"Why...my love?"

The two words of endearment alone breaks your walls immediately and your body falls against him as you cry again and again. "Because I love you," you vow unto them and they are there to hold you even closer than they have ever done so before.

It feels like a dream to be there with them, to feel their arms wrapped around you like a shield. You aren't their protector at the moment, it is their turn to hold and protect you just as Jimin vowed unto you, both as a Lord and as a mortal.

Miran may have gotten their love for the past three months but during those months, it was you that made their love waver again and again. You don't know how it all happened, why and when, but you are just happy because you did enough to make them love you all over again.

However you did it, you passed the trail. The first mortal to ever done so in history.

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