09: Love is love

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"I like Y/N," Taehyung declares the second he barges into Namjoon's room where the rest of them are at. You aren't in the room, still possibly resting because it's too early in the morning and it's the first thing he says even before greeting his lovers good morning.

They stare at him blankly, surprised at the sudden declaration and are all speechless. But the Lord of Punishment isn't too fazed by it and instead plops himself right onto the bed where Yoongi and Namjoon lies, acting as if he hadn't just spoke of his admiration for you.

"Like her...how?" Jungkook starts.

"Like a Lord, how else?" Taehyung simply says as if it is the most natural thing to say.

"But she is a shield."

"So?" He shrugs at Jimin. "Love is love."

Yoongi raises a brow as he and Namjoon sits up. "You love her?"

"I think so."

There is a pause of silence among the Lords.

"You love Y/N?" Hoseok asks, wanting to hear it.

"I do," Taehyung nods as he scoots towards the headboard, suddenly a little shy at just the thought of it. He looks up at them sheepishly. "Don't you?"

Don't they?

There is another moment of silence as they think about Taehyung's question. It isn't something that's dropped out of nowhere, they've been asking themselves the same question but because they had no idea what they should be feeling, they don't know what to say.

Whatever they feel for you is strange.

Once your cheery voice had been annoying but along the way it gets comforting because it becomes the only source of light in their life. It's a little different from their love for one another that had once been built up on obligations. The Lords of the Underworld wasn't too open to sunshines and rainbows but they did care for one another in more than one ways.

Yet your smile is something even more incredible, they've come to realize. It's heartbreaking when you aren't smiling, when they see tears flowing down your precious cheeks and hear your whimpers and the cracking of your voice. It's your job to protect them but upon seeing you break apart, it makes them want to protect you instead.

All your life you've known only one thing and that is to protect others.

You have no idea how to put yourself before others, it's strange, not something you are used to.

And Taehyung recalls the words of your mother's, a promise he gave her to take care of your heart, a promise he vows to never break.

From the moment you looked uncomfortable talking to Ares, Jungkook has always felt the need to protect you when you couldn't do it yourself. From the moment you showed your vulnerability towards Seokjin, he wanted to take care of you.

They guess every occurance with you made the relationship build into something more than that of a Lord and a servant, more than just friendship.

Had they actually fallen in love with you?

Suddenly there is a little knock on the door before it swings open and there you are, already dressed in your armor. They wonder how you look with your hair down, how you will look if you wore a dress.

"Hey, do you think we can go back up to Mount Olympus anytime soon? Because I'd really like to uh..you know...challenge the shields again in order to...to redeem my pride." Your lips are pressed together afterwards, waiting a little impatiently as you hope for a good answer out of them.

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