18: Irreplaceable

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A month has passed and they're still in love with her.

A bond has formed between you and the guys but it remains strictly business and you want to cry out in frustration for the way things are going.

So for the distraction that has you angry at the world for putting you in such a situation, you don't think twice when someone drops a tray and you go on to catch it with your bare hands, only to realize the reason why the gentleman has mittens on is because the tray is burning hot.

Yet only a gasp leaves your lips for a short second while Seokjin looks back to see what has happened.

"Hey, Jin, have you—"

A dramatic gasp escapes him as he ignores Miran to quickly grab your hand and drag you away. You can only stare back at Miran whose brows furrows but can't run after the two of you because her phone starts ringing.

Serves her right.

The cool running water on your hand is what brings you back out of your trance while Seokjin continues holding you there.

"Are you stupid? Why would you touch burning metal?" He scolds, voice raising and you want to giggle at how concerning he looks.

"I didn't know it was hot," you tell him.

"He was wearing mittens!"

"I didn't see," you shrug. "Why would anyone be carrying hot trays around in the first place?" You ask and suddenly flinch back when Seokjin retorts back in a loud voice.

"Didn't you hear that a few executives are visiting?! He's a kitchen staff!"

Shrinking in fear, you can only whimper out, "My job is to only focus on security and protection, Mr. Kim."

He sighs exasperatedly. "I swear, if nothing else kills you, I'm gonna kill you myself."

"Wow, so cruel, sir," you huff jokingly. "What will you do if I die, huh? Who will protect you and the others?"

He glares at you before looking away from you. "There are other bodyguards you know."

"Yes but they aren't as great as me, right?" You blink rapidly added with some sort of cuteness to try and tease him. "I'm irreplaceable~" you singsong.

He wants to stay mad, he really does, but the more you act cute and prettily around him, it's hard not to ignore you. "Irreplaceable my ass," the man deadpans as he pokes your forehead back and away from him, to which you frown at.

But you know he is anything but angry because you can see the small little tugs on the corner of his mouth, wanting to smile while he tries to ignore you.




"What happened to your hand?" Jungkook asks when you walk into the room, right hand already wrapped but with bandages.

"Burned it."

He frowns. "How?"

"I was clumsy."

"Then how do you expect to train well today?"

"Oh please," you narrow your eyes at him playfully, "do you really think you can beat me just because I've burned a hand?"

Jungkook's eyes crinkles. "Shall we see?"




"I figured out what your most annoying trait is that makes Yoongi hyung grumpy all the time."

"Ha," you snicker, "so now you're keeping tabs?"

Hoseok shrugs. "Someone has to."

"Then what is it, huh?" You ask, swinging your body from side to side and for a moment he's almost distracted by the swaying of your hair.

Hoseok grunts. "It's your ponytail that bounces everytime you move."

"Oh?" You did not expect that but it gives you an excuse to tug on your hair and have it tangled around your fingers. "Why would this bother him? It's pretty, you know."

"Yeah, pretty annoying," he rolls his eyes. "Do you ever let your hair down?"

A smile creeps up at your lips at the question. "Why? Is that an order?"

"No, it's a simple question."

Your heart begins fluttering as you remember the conversation one night alone with Lord Hoseok, the time you told him of your story, when you placed your trust in him. "Well of course I do. When I wash and when I dream."

"Never for the public eyes to see?"

"Not really."

"Why not?"

You shrug. "I'm used to putting my hair up. Makes me more confident and it's more comfortable fighting like this rather than having my hair get in the way."

"I see," Hoseok nods and you want to pry at the reason why he asks.

"Why? Want to see how I look with my hair down?" Your head bobs a little to the sides to let your ponytail bounce.

"Nah," he says as he begins walking away. "If you don't want to, it's whatever. I'd rather you reveal your face but I know that may be a more sensitive topic so do whatever you want with yourself, Y/N."

He wants to see your face. He's curious. And maybe he was curious from the beginning but Hoseok doesn't like bringing things up unless he's actually interested so you smile to yourself.

Yet the smile begins to falters a little as you're reminded of Namjoon's words.

You are only meant to take your mask off if they see what's inside your heart first and so far, you're positive that hasn't happened yet.

Not with Miran still around.

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