Chapter 71: A City on Fire

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The Fire Nation army marched down the main thoroughfares of the capital, breaking up the remaining groups of rioters. Across the city the protests had devolved into untamed mobs causing destruction to shops, parks, and anything else they could destroy.

A state of emergency had been declared by general Iroh, and a mandatory curfew had been put in place starting at nightfall. In the meantime, the streets were constantly being patrolled by soldiers wearing helmets that made them all look the same.

Children ran to their parents when the soldiers appeared on their street, scared of the intimidating, faceless men. It scared Mai to see what the city had become overnight.

No one was allowed in or out of the city, and despite her best efforts she was not permitted to enter the palace grounds. She had to get out of the city before it was too late.

Iroh would likely try everything he could to quell the protests and restore order, but it was only a matter of time until martial law was declared. The city was on fire literally and figuratively.

Mai rushed past a patrol unit and quickly entered Lee's family's home, shutting the door and locking the door behind her. Lee was waiting for her and hugged her as soon as the coast was clear.

"How is it out there?" Lee asked, his voice smooth as silk and warm.

"It's better than it was all night," Mai said as they walked over to the couch. They had been up all night with the rest of his family. It was hard to sleep when every street was filled with chanting mobs breaking windows and setting fire to whatever they saw first.

"I think I've found a merchant who can get us out of the city tonight," Mai said, weary of whether or not the man was reliable. "Do you think your grandparents will be able to make the journey?"

"They want to stay," Lee said. His eyes said it all. He was afraid what might happen to them if they were left on their own. "How did things devolve so quickly?"

"This kind of thing doesn't happen overnight," Mai said. It did not add in her mind. There had to be something more going on for this kind of mass protesting to take place, but what could it have been? Zuko's approval ratings were higher than any Fire Lord in history, and he was respected by so many.

She wondered where Zuko was now and if he and Sokka were safely away from the disaster unfolding there.

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