Chapter 44: A Picnic Proposition

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Zuko met Sokka by the turtle duck pond, where he had already laid out a blanket for their picnic.

"I thought you weren't coming for a second," Sokka grinned and kissed Zuko on the cheek.

"Sorry, the meetings with the chiefs from around the nation ran overtime," Zuko said and they both sat down on the blanket. Sokka unpacked the picnic basket and set out sandwiches, side salads, a loaf of bread, some fresh guava juice and an assortment of cheeses.

"Looks like chef Hakoi has been teaching you a thing or two about his favorite cheeses," Zuko said, poking fun of the fact that Sokka liked to spend time in the kitchen learning from the palace's head chef.

"Who knew there could be so many different ways of turning milk into cheese?" Sokka said and laughed before setting the picnic basket aside.

"What's the bread for?" Zuko asked. Sokka tore it up into small pieces and winked at Zuko before throwing a few pieces to the turtle ducks swimming nearby. Zuko laughed and gently shook his head at Sokka's playful nature.

The sandwiches were filled with sliced ham, lettuce, onions, and cheese, and there was a slight hint of seasoning that gave it a warmth that Zuko loved. They ate slowly and took breaks to toss pieces of bread to the turtle ducks.

Zuko loved the summertime. It hardly rained during the summer, the trees were full and beautiful, and he felt happiest when he could feel the sun shining on his face.

"You know I was thinking it might be nice to get away for a little while," Zuko said and tossed a handful of bread into the pond.

"What did you have in mind?" Sokka asked, clearly intrigued by the thought of getting away from the palace for a while.

"I thought it might be nice to spend a few weeks on Ember Island with everyone," Zuko said.

"Last time we were there we both almost died you know," Sokka said and pretended to be super serious.

"Good thing my prince charming was there to save me," Zuko said and smiled brightly, making Sokka laugh a little.

"I'd love to see everyone again," Sokka said and threw the remaining bread to the turtle ducks who had been thoroughly spoiled already.

"I was thinking we could leave next week and meet them there," Zuko suggested. "Hopefully the others aren't too busy and can join us."

"Like Katara, Aang, and Toph have a choice," Sokka said with a big grin. "I'll drag them to Ember Island myself if I have to."

"Careful there buddy, you're starting to sound like Azula," Zuko laughed and Sokka put on a pouting face.

"I wish my sister could come with us," Zuko said and sighed. He had visited her at least once a week since he had moved her into the cabin, but her therapist said she still had a long way to go before she would be able to return to life at the palace.

He felt responsible for what had happened to her. He hadn't done enough to protect her from their father growing up, and part of him had always been afraid of her. It didn't help Azula was convinced their mother thought she was a monster. He wished his mom were here now so she could care for his sister in the way only mothers can.

"She's making good progress Zuko," Sokka said and placed his hand on Zuko's cheek. Zuko placed his hand lightly over Sokka's, holding it against his face and cherishing his touch.

"You're right," Zuko said and let go of Sokka's hand, "I just wish the old Azula would come back, right now I only catch glimpses of her old self."

"Glimpses are better than not seeing anything at all," Sokka said. He always made good points; he was like uncle in that way.

"Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me," Zuko said, letting his doubts get the better of him. "My life is nothing but conflict and disaster. You deserve better than all this."

"Zuko," Sokka said and placed his hand on the firebender's, "I stay here with you because I love you with all of my heart and soul. Despite everything life has thrown at you, you overcame it all and became a better man because of it, a man I get to call my boyfriend. Don't ever doubt yourself for a second."

Sokka's words melted Zuko's heart like butter. He hugged Sokka and told him, "You mean the world to me Sokka, and I don't know what I would do without you in my life."

"You'd probably be sulking in your room throwing darts at pictures of your father," Sokka said and laughed, ruining the moment.

Zuko let go of him and shook his head, but he couldn't help but laugh too. Sokka knew exactly how to lighten the mood and make him feel better, and that was one of the things he loved most about him.

"What do you say we go write letters to the others telling them the Fire Lord demands their presence on Ember Island?" Zuko asked. A huge grin spread across Sokka's face and they got up and raced each other inside, not stopping until they got to his study.

Zuko was about to beat Sokka to his desk but Sokka tackled him to the ground, pinning him down and smiling like a goof and said, "You can't win if I don't let you go."

"We'll see about that!" Zuko said and dragged Sokka down and rolled over top of him.

"You look so pretty when you try and win," Sokka said and he fought back against Zuko and the firebender was once again pinned down by the water tribe boy.

"I see how it is," Zuko smirked and the two broke out in a wrestling match across the floor of his study. When it was clear Zuko was going to win Sokka played dirty and started tickling Zuko all over, making him curl up and squirm as he tried to get away.

"Not fair!" Zuko cried in between bouts of laughter. Sokka smiled and kept moving his hands to tickle Zuko when he tried to stop him. When the tickling had gotten to be too much Zuko playfully said, "Stop, stop, I give up you win!"

Sokka stopped tickling him and laid down on the floor next to him. Zuko was out of breath from laughing so much and turned his head to face Sokka's. The water tribe boy did the same and they spent a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes. Even after all this time Zuko still could not get enough of Sokka's ocean blue eyes.

"You're such a clown," Zuko said and laughed. Sokka punched him lightly in the arm and replied playfully, "That's why you love me."

He had him there, Zuko never realized how much he needed someone who took life less seriously in order to feel happy. He realized he had distracted Sokka and took the opportunity to make a run for his desk.

Sokka got up as quickly as he could and jumped on Zuko's back, holding on as Zuko ran towards his desk.

"You're heavier than you look," Zuko said and laughed as he got to his desk and Sokka let go.

"Maybe you're just weaker than you look," Sokka said and grinned. Zuko shook his head before and laughed sitting down and getting to work on the letters. With any luck, they would get the whole gang reunited for what he hoped would be a fun summer vacation.

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