Chapter 42: Azula's Move

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"Hello Zuzu, it's been quite a long time since you last visited me," Azula said as he walked into her cell. "What a surprise, the water tribe boy is here too. I thought you would have gone back to your igloo by now."

Zuko looked over at Sokka who did not look happy at his sister's comment about the south pole.

"I'm not here to let you insult my friend," Zuko said. "I'm here to take you to your new home, but don't make me regret this decision."

"I've grown quite fond of this cold cell, but a change of scenery would be nice," Azula said. "I've gotten to get to know this room so well thanks to your friend."

"What are you talking about?" Zuko asked and looked over to Sokka who had a strange look on his face.

"He didn't tell you? Your friend came to visit me a couple of times, and thanks to him my restraints were removed," Azula said with her signature smirk.

Sokka's face went pale as Zuko glared at him. He was going to have to have a talk to his boyfriend about that later.

"I'm glad you started feeling at home here, but I think you'll like the new place more," Zuko said and motioned for the two guards to come in. They put handcuffs on and escorted her out. Zuko hated seeing his sister in handcuffs, but it was for their safety as well as hers.

They exited the prison and Azula squinted in the presence of sunlight and said, "you could have at least given me a pair of sunglasses Zuzu."

They got in an armored transport that took them up the mountainside, stopping in front of a small cabin. The guards led Azula out and Zuko and Sokka followed them out.

"You know I could just escape right now if I wanted to," Azula said and laughed mockingly.

"Except you don't want to. Azula, I'm sorry for what our father did to you, I'm sorry I didn't protect you from him, and I'm sorry I left you alone for all those years," Zuko said.

He seemed to have struck a chord because the mocking façade she had put one fell away. She looked away from the house and towards the ground. He saw the little sister he hoped he would see again in her now.

She had spent her entire life being groomed to be a cold, precise, and heartless leader by their vindicative father. He had hope the sweet young girl their mother had always believed was in her would find her way back.

"There's a surprise waiting for you inside," Zuko said, adding a purposeful warmth to his voice to regain her trust.

"What is it? Another set of metal bars for me to spend my days behind while you live lavishly?" Azula asked spitefully.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you," Zuko said and opened the front door. Azula's eyes lit up and she slipped out of the guard's grip and ran past Zuko.

"Azula!" Ty Lee cried and when Azula got to her she hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Ty Lee," Azula said and tried to free herself from the handcuffs so she could hug her friend back.

Sokka looked over at Zuko and with sad eyes and an emotion filled frown convinced him to tell the guards to uncuff his sister. She actually thanked the guard who unlocked the cuffs and hugged Ty Lee back.

Zuko had taken a risk with bringing her all the way up there, but from the looks of it the risk paid off. He had discussed her treatment with countless physicians, and they all suggested the people she cared about the most to show her they still cared about her.

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