Awakening. 26

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    The minute I wake up, I know something is wrong.
    I feel it before I turn to the other side of the bed...and the instant I set my eyes on it, I feel a mixture of panic and fear hit me.
    Melissa's gone.
    "Melissa?" I call out still, hanging on the hope that I'm being paranoid and she's somewhere around, but I don't get any reply.
    Still, that doesn't mean anything right? I get out of bed now, my mind scanning through my memory of the night before. She was in bed with me...she slept in my arms last night.
    So where is she? Did she go for a walk in the garden? Is she back to spending some private time on the roof? Has she gone to her cottage? How would that even be possible....she has barely been able to wake up before noon these past few days.
    Then where is she?
    I hurriedly put on some clothes as I rush out my chambers, my eyes scanning the hallway as servants and maids move around...but there's no sign of her.
    "Did either of you see Lady Melissa this morning?" I ask the guards at my door and they turn to each other first, worried looks on their faces.
    Oh no. That can't be good.
    "Well?!" I demand, more agitated and the first one turns to me.
    "Your Majesty, the Lady Melissa left your chambers late last night--"
    "What?! To go where?!"
    "S-she didn't say--"
    "And you just let her leave?!" the more I'm yelling, the closer I'm walking up the guard and he seems to be visibly shaking.
    "She asked n-not to be f-followed, Your Majesty."
    "Are you insane?!"
    "Your Majesty," Felipe says, now hurrying towards me from the side but I keep glaring at the guards, my anger dangerously close to its limit.
    "Is something wrong?"
    "Melissa's gone!" I say, almost fuming as I turn to him and he frowns.
    "Gone? What do you--?"
    "She's not in the room, Felipe! I woke up and I couldn't find her and these imbeciles are telling me they let her leave my chambers last night without escorting her! She's been gone all night and they're standing there," I turn to furiously point at them, "telling me that she asked not to be followed!"
    "We are truly sorry, Your Majesty. We simply thought she returned back to her chambers."
    "Are you working as guards so that you can think?!" I yell at them and Felipe moves to stand in front of me.
    "Alright, alright. I understand why you're upset but let's not jump to conclusions yet. You should check her chambers, Your Majesty, she might be there, while we'll sweep the castle and check for her." He says and turns to the guards, giving them instructions while I make a beeline for her chambers, my heart pounding.
    Please be there, please be there, please be there...
    I'm repeating the words over and over in my head as I near her chambers and the moment I get to the doors, I push them open...instantly feeling dizzy at the sight.
    No, no, no, no, no.
    Where could she have gone? What happened to her?
    I quickly rush to the top of the stairs, fear and panic clouding my mind and controlling my actions.
    What if the killer got to her? What will happen to her...and our child?
    "GUARDS! GUARDS!!" I yell, my voice reverberating through the castle and they all rush towards me at the sound of my voice.
    "Your Majesty." Jonathan, the head of guards answers as he approaches me with dozens of guards.
    "Listen to me and listen clearly. Lady Melissa is missing. She's been gone all night and at this point, anything could have happened to her. I'm not taking any chances, so I want each and every one of you out and searching for her. The castle, the castle grounds, the village, the market, her cottage, the bridge...check everywhere! And no one returns until they've found her or they have a clue where she might be." I say and they all bow.
    "Yes, Your Majesty." They say in unison before they all leave.
    "I wish I could say this is a drastic measure you're taking," Felipe says as he joins me at the top of the stairs, his brows furrowed in concern, "But at this point we can't rule out any possibilities."
    "And I don't want to take any chances by doing so. I don't understand, Felipe. Where could she have gone in the middle of the night? Why didn't she tell me? We've been trying to be so careful since that night at the bridge, why would she do something this spontaneous?" I ask, trying to understand the situation and Felipe sighs, deep in thought.
    "That is odd. Has there been any news or changes in her life? Anything to make her feel overwhelmed to the point of leaving in the middle of the night?" he asks and I turn to him, contemplating telling him the news Melissa shared with me yesterday...when something hits me.
    "Yes, there has...and I'll tell you soon. But I need to see Frederick and Felicia in the throne room, right now."
    "C-Caspian?" I stutter, shocked as I struggle to my feet.
    "It's been you all this time? You're the killer?!"
    "Oh, shut it with that incessant whining of yours!" he yells as he walks towards me, glaring at me. "Trust me if I were the killer, you'd be dead. Those insufferable idiots couldn't kill a fly if it was given to them already trapped." He says and I just keep staring at him, trying to comprehend how I couldn't have known he was behind all this.
    But he was considerate and thoughtful and always there for Prince Alexander and I...
    "How could you?" I say in a hushed tone, observing the unmistakable look of anger in his eyes.
    "How could I what, Melissa? How could I have tried to carry out my one dream of revenge? How could I have planned to get rid of you over and over again?"
    "What revenge? What did I ever do to you?" I ask, astonished and he marches closer to me.
    "Not everything is about you, you despicable commoner!" he barks and I shift back, completely frightened at the rage in his eyes.
    "We only wanted you dead for one reason and I would have killed you with my bare hands if it wasn't so risky! But it's clear Alexander loves you more than he loves himself...or even his kingdom, so killing you to make him lose his kingdom won't be enough anymore." He says and I blink at his words, getting more and more confused.
    He wants revenge on Prince Alexander? Why?
    "What do you mean by 'we'?" I manage to ask and this time, he smiles...his lips stretching in a very frightening manner.
    "Your future husband tested my partner far worse than he realised, something he will soon very much regret. I just wish I could see the look in his eyes when we make him pay...through you."
    At those words, something unleashes in me. Something that is sick of being a target, sick of being threatened... Something suddenly defensive at the mention of hurting Prince Alexander.
    "You will burn in hell before I let anything or anyone hurt Stefan, do you hear me?! I don't care what he did and I sure as hell don't care about that wretched partner of yours, whomever they may be! I can't even believe you could comfortably stand there and talk about plotting to hurt someone who has done nothing but trust you and treat you like a friend!"
    "FRIEND?!" He fires back, and then bursts into a maniacal laughter.
    "Alexander wouldn't know the first thing about friendship if it slapped him in the face! Do you have any idea how long I've been a manservant for that arrogant, pompous fool? Fifteen years! And he showed me no mercy for a long time! I was insulted, spat on, humiliated, punished for the slightest inconveniences simply because I was given a position I didn't even want! And I carried that burden and that pain with me...until you came around. When he was given the condition of marrying you to keep his kingdom, killing you should have been revenge enough to make him pay! But why do that now...when we can use you to--"
    "That is enough, Caspian." A gruff voice says from behind and Caspian clams shut, still staring at me with an evil smirk on his face.
    Still shook by his words, I slowly look past him into the shadows as I try to make out the person that spoke.
    "There's no point ruining the surprise for her just yet. Not until we tell her how exactly we plan to use her first."
    And I gasp as he walks into view, his expression blank...but his eyes spitting pure repulse and anger.
    "King Gregory..." I mutter.
    "I've called you both here because each of you knows something very crucial and very discreet about Melissa." I say as I stare from Frederick to Felicia in the empty throne room. The only person in the room, asides us, is Felipe...and as much as I wanted to include Caspian, I couldn't.
    I can't risk anyone else knowing.
    Frederick and Felicia turn to each other and before I can say another word, Felicia steps forward.
    "I believe I was called here because I know that...Lady Melissa is pregnant." She admits reluctantly and from the side, I notice Felipe turn to me in surprise, but he says nothing.
    "I told her myself, and I even assured her there was nothing to be scared of...but I have nothing to do with her disappearance Your Majesty." She says in a quivering voice and even though she looks and sounds honest, I can't bring myself to believe her.
    Not yet anyway.
    "I know about her pregnancy too, Your Majesty." Frederick says, stepping forward as well. "She came to me to carry out some tests to confirm it...and I helped her. But I would never hurt her or be involved in anything that could cause her disappearance." He says and I just take in a deep breath, watching them.
    "As much as I want to believe you both, it's slowly becoming clear to me that no one, absolutely no one, is trustworthy in this castle anymore." I say getting up, "And I don't find it a coincidence at all that Melissa suddenly goes missing the day after she finds out she's carrying our heir!"
    I walk up to them now, observing their faces as I try not to let my worry cloud my judgement...but it seems almost impossible.
    "One of you has to be responsible...and until that person confesses or until Melissa is found, you will both be held prisoners in the cellars." I say and turn away to avoid the looks on their faces.
    "GUARDS!" I yell, just as they both start frantically begging me from behind.
    "Your Majesty please!--"
    "It wasn't me, I swear--!"
    Felipe rushes to me at that point as the guards take Frederick and Felicia away, concern clear on his face.
    "Your Majesty, I understand you're upset but perhaps you should rethink this--"
    "I don't think you understand clearly enough, Felipe." I say, turning to him as I try to keep my anger in check. "My future wife and the mother of my child is missing! Gone without a clue and I am not taking any chances with these people until I see Melissa again! And she better be alive when I do."
    With that, I march out to find the head of my guards.
    "I'm not going to let you use me, do you hear me?! I don't care what your sick, twisted plan is....I'd rather die than hurt Stefan!" I yell, refusing to be intimidated as King Gregory walks closer, watching me.
    "That's a lot of bark for someone with no bite." He scoffs. "I mean really, do you think I would have you captured here without a plan? Without a way to break through that irritating commitment of yours?" he asks calmly and before I can reply, he turns to Caspian to give him a look.
    Confused, I watch as Caspian retreats into the darkness and returns with an object that seems to glow in the dim light. The closer he gets, the clearer the object becomes and by the time he is in front of my cell, the dagger in his hand is clear as day.
    My mind is suddenly flooded with memories of the first time I saw a dagger like that...when the killer snuck into my room and tried to kill me.
    "The sight of you being scared is precious." Caspian says, watching me. "Sadly this dagger is just for you to use...and not for harming you."
    "Consider it a gift," King Gregory is speaking now, "A subtle inside joke between Alexander and I. That bastard pulled his sword on me, before my own men and my daughter! And for that, I will make sure he feels every bit of fear I felt. Except this one comes with heartbreak and permanent pain." He says, sounding satisfied while I just stare, trying to understand the puzzle behind his heart pounding in fear.
    "Alexander will welcome you back tonight when we let you go." Caspian is saying, "And tomorrow night, when you are in the same bed with him, you will pleasure him...and then you will pierce this dagger in his heart at his most vulnerable moment."
    I spit in his face immediately, overcome with shock and anger.
    "You are a beast, do you hear me?! You're insane! You're a disgusting creature and you better kill me now! Because I will never, ever hurt the man I love!" I yell, already close to tears.
    Caspian wipes his face, turning red with anger.
    "I figured you'd be unnecessarily stubborn about this. And that is why we decided--"
    "You kill him or we kill your sister." King Gregory says simply, his cold, unfeeling eyes focused on me.
    It feels like every breath has been knocked out of my body at those words and I stare at them in gaze shifting from Caspian to King Gregory.
    "You wouldn't." It sounds like a dare coming from my mouth, but I know it's more of a plea.
    "Y-You can't. You can't do that...Halley has no role in this--"
    "And if you so much as mention a word about this to Alexander, we will kill her still. You have one day." King Gregory says and walks out.
    "No. No, wait! Please you can't do this, please! Leave Halley out of this, I'm begging you!" I'm crying, already on my knees as I clutch the cell bars but King Gregory is already gone and Caspian just stands above me, smiling.
    "No better revenge than being killed by the one you love and losing everything, don't you agree?" he says and I can't stop crying.
    "Caspian please... please don't make me do this! I can't hurt him... I love him! Please reconsider."
    "You heard King Gregory...One day. I'll be back to let you out at night. As you know, I have to be present at the castle...I have a position to maintain. Until then, I suggest you think of ways to hide the dagger." He says as he tosses the dagger into the cell and walks out.
    And I just remain on my knees...crying.
    I pace the roof endlessly, my mind restless as my paranoia skyrockets.
    It's already night and there has been no news of finding Melissa. Neither Frederick nor Felicia has confessed and none of the guards have any clue of where she might even be.
    Where are you, Melissa?
    "Halley is finally asleep." I hear Felipe say from behind me and I don't bother to stop pacing.
    "Is she okay?" I ask.
    "'Okay' is quite a stretch considering her sister is missing and she has been crying all day. But she needed to rest...and I'm afraid so do you, Your Majesty." He says and this time I stop to stare at him.
    "Excuse me?"
    "You haven't eaten all day, Prince Alexander. Frederick and Felicia are imprisoned, the guards are still searching the kingdom and it's almost midnight. Perhaps it's time to rest and--"
    "Rest? REST?! Melissa could be dead! She could be killed already Felipe and I--"
    The sound of clamouring stops me and I turn to look towards the noise. Just several yards away from the gates, I can see someone walking towards the castle, surrounded by some guards.
    "Is that--?" Felipe asks as I move closer and squint.
    That silk gown... her red hair...
    "Melissa." I whisper, like I'm trying to be sure...and the second her name escapes my lips, I know it's real.
    "It's her! Melissa! OPEN THE GATES!" I yell, already rushing out with Felipe to head for the castle grounds.
    "Melissa!" I yell, running as fast as I can out of the castle as the gates open and I see her more clearly now.
    She's alive... she's okay.
    Without wasting another second, I run towards her and she hurries towards me as well, her gait a little weak as we cover the space between us and I pull her into my arms....completely flooded with relief.
    "Oh, Melissa." I whisper and she immediately bursts into tears.
    "Stefan." She cries, clutching me close as she weeps into my shoulder, her body shaking with sobs.
    "I'm here...I'm here, Mel." I say as reassuring as I can. "I'm so sorry I wasn't with you. I'm sorry I let you down."
    But she just keeps crying, breaking my heart with every sob.
    "Where did you find her?" I hear Felipe ask the guards.
    "She was wandering the woods, Sir Felipe."
    "Good job, men." He says and I just pull back a little to look at Melissa.
    "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" but she just keeps crying and it replaces my relief with fear and anger.
    What did they do to her?
    Did they hurt her?
    Did they hurt our child?
    Gently, I carry her up and take her inside the mind flooded with a thousand scenarios of what may have happened to her.

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