Necessity. 22

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She's gone?

I feel the blood drain from my face as I stare at Felipe in shock, registering his words.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I manage to ask, my chest suddenly feeling heavy as I turn back to stare at her room.

"She left, Your Majesty. She took Halley and--"

"No." I say, cutting him off as I rush into her room, frantically searching every corner.

"No. No. No. No! No!!" I yell, reality of the matter dawning on me with every corner I check and every furniture I pull aside.


"Your Majesty." Felipe calls as I rush out of her room and to Halley's room, pushing the door open just to find it unoccupied as well.

"Your Majesty--"

"How could you let her leave?!" I yell, turning to him, suddenly furious and at the same time, sad.

Confused. Lost.

Felipe frowns at me.

"Let her?"

"She was supposed to be here and you let her leave!" I say, marching to him and he just stands there, staring at me unflinching with a frown on his face.

"As opposed to what, Prince Alexander? Restraining her? Locking her up?"

"You should have told me!"

"And what difference would that have made? You basically had your mind set on taking that Unity Plea at all means."

"So you're saying I wouldn't have cared?"

"I'm saying it wouldn't have mattered." He replies calmly and I turn away, pacing the hallway, furious at myself.

How could I have let this happen?

Why did I ever even consider marrying Dana?

"Urgh!" I kick the vase on the floor with anger and it shatters into pieces, dirt and glass flying everywhere.

"Your Majesty, please, you have to calm down. We can find a way to--"

"When did she leave?" I ask, not bothering to hear the rest of his statement and Felipe sighs.

"This morning. Right after King Gregory and Princess Dana arrived." He says and I stop pacing, his words suddenly giving me hope.

"That's not too long ago."

"Your Majesty--"

"I can still get to her, I can convince her to come back if I get there quick enough." I say, already rushing down the hallway and towards the long staircase, ignoring the servants that have been staring.

"Your Majesty, wait! This is irrational! We have to find a way to..." his voice trails off behind me as I rush down the staircase and out the main doors, instantly mounting my horse.

"Open the gates!" I yell as the doors open behind me and Felipe hurries out.

"Prince Alexander!" he yells but the gates open up and I ride out without looking back.

I can bring her back.

I don't have a choice.... I have to.


"Don't stay out too long, okay?" I say to Halley as she leaves to play with her friends and she yells out a quick 'Okay' before racing off.

Finally alone, I shut the door and lean against it as I observe the cottage, flashbacks of being here with Prince Alexander clear as day in my mind. Slowly, I take in a deep shuddering breath and let it out, forcing my mind to refocus.

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