42. Sweet High School Life

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On Tuesday, Sofia came back to school.

Unfortunately, Cynthia was in an extremely sour mood and made a habit of elbowing Sofia whenever she got a chance. Extremely childish behavior. Sofia wasn't sure if Cynthia can stop behaving this way anytime soon, which put her into a depressed mood, to begin with.

At some point Cynthia's "clumsiness" caused Sofia to drop a pile of books on the floor, Bruno scrambled out of his chair to help her pick them up.

"Hey Bruno, why are you dating your cousin? It's kinda gross the way you're looking at her and helping with everything. Maybe you should come back with her to Alabama or whatever she's from" Gabriele, one of Cynthia's friends mocked loudly.

Oh, right. At the first time when Sofia showed up at school, Bruno introduced her as his cousin. People picked it up, and now they couldn't let it go, despite the fact that both Sofia and Bruno already told them that they're not related.

"We're not dating" Sofia opposed.

"We're not cousins" Bruno mumbled.

How many times do they need to repeat it? No one was actually listening to them anyway. Their classmates were having too much fun out of mocking them.

"Actually I am related to one person in this school" Sofia started.

"Oh, and who it is? Do tell" Cynthia taunted with a mean smirk.

"Valentino Ianniello"

Everyone started to laugh.

"Oh, HE'S your brother, of all people?" Cynthia mocked "Cool. Introduce us to him then," she said in an amused voice. She thought Sofia was lying.

"Fine, okay," Sofia said with determination.

This is when Sofia started walking towards the left wing of the school, where Valentino had classes right now.

The group of her classmates was "subtly" watching as the least popular girl in their class is approaching the most popular guy in school.

Sofia was incredibly embarrassed because Valentino as always was surrounded by his cool friends and the group of older boys was making her feel incredibly intimidated. Especially because they were extremely loud and currently laughing. Probably one of them just told a joke, but she felt like they're laughing at her.

She didn't even try to call for Valentino because she knew he won't hear her with how quiet her voice was, so she pulled gently on his sleeve to get his attention.

She got tense for a moment when she recalled what happened the first time she approached him in that way, but she relaxed a second later when she saw his look is not at all hostile. His arm wrapped around her shoulder in a half hug when he shielded her from others, knowing how shy she is.

"What is it?" He asked in a quiet for a loud person like his voice.

"I need you to confirm that you're my brother?"

His eyes widened at her bizarre request.

"What? To whom? Why?" He asked, surprised by her weird request.

"People in my class think I'm dating Bruno, but they also think I'm his cousin and I told them I'm your sister, but they don't believe me." Sofia rambled on incoherently.

"What?" At first, he didn't understand but the moment later his eyes narrowed, "Why do they think you're dating Neri?" He asked suddenly his voice went dark and his posture stiffened.

"Valentino, c'mon" Sofia pleaded.

"I asked you a question, Sofia," Valentino said.

"I don't know! They just know that we like each other" she said with exasperation.

"Then you like each other a little too much. Haven't Alessandro told you, you're not allowed to date?" He asked sharply.

"I don't care!" Sofia said with frustration.

"Then let it be a lesson for you" Valentino responded as he let her go. He was now unbothered and unwilling to help. „Girl, I don't know you, you need to stop bothering me" he said loudly, so Sofia's classmates could hear. He then let go of her, and he went in to the class without sparing her a second glance. His friends followed him.

"Dude, but you said she's-" Sofia could hear Valentino's friend saying.

"Shush" Valentino interrupted him.

Sofia turned around to see Cynthia was a few meters apart from there with a triumphant expression and a mean smile plastered on her face.

Shit. She was so screwed.


"It seems like your brother was extremely helpful" Bruno commented. They were on the corridor. Sofia was there trying to get the gum stuck in her hair. "Wait don't pull it like that, I will help you" Bruno offered and made an attempt to untangle the gun from her hair painlessly.

Sofia covered her face in her hands, considering this tragedy and mess.

"Again, why did you say I'm your cousin to the teacher that day?" Sofia asked, desperately wanting to know how did it all happened.

"What would you have me say? Hey, this is a stranger who showed up at my grandmas house yesterday and asked me to bring her to this private school for the rich people because she's looking for her long-lost maybe brother?" Bruno asked dryly.

"Okay, okay, I mean - I get it. But still I just can't stop thinking what would happen without this misunderstanding" Sofia said, feeling defeated. 

"Nothing would change. I bet Cynthia is a bitch in every alternative universe" he responded lightly "Wait I will just take out the scissors" Bruno said after he realized there's no way to get rid of that gum in other way. Sofia moaned.

"Don't worry" he said, cutting off the strand of her hair a minute later, "People will get bored with this eventually. Besides, Valentino will kill them when he finds out. You can tell him they bully you any time" Bruno said lightly but deep in his heart he really hoped that Sofia will just tell them.

"You've seen how helpful Valentino was" Sofia said flatly.

"That's because he thought you want to show off, he has no idea that you're being picked on" Bruno explained patiently.

Sofia realized that Bruno was right. But did she want Valentino involved in this? No, she wanted to learn to fight her own battles.


Hi guys!

As always I am very thankful for your lovely comments and engagement in this story. 

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