1. Escape Artist

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She was holding her cellphone tightly in her hands. She couldn't bring herself to see the video when Paul was near her but now she felt like she had to. She needed to see it with her own eyes because she still couldn't believe it.

She watched the scene with terror growing in her chest.

The man and the woman were arguing loudly. Suddenly the man grabbed the woman and pulled her towards himself. He whispered something to her ear while holding her head at a weird angle. His sudden, sharp movements caused a loud snap. Then he purposefully hit the limp head over the counter with a full force.

"Amateur horror making?" She jumped and looked at the man who said those words.

"E-excuse me?"

"That video. Quality is not the best, but looks very realistic. The window perspective works great but shaking the camera can distract the viewer. I'm Jake, film and cinema production student"

"H-hi Jake"  Sofia said through her tears. She was now breathing far too quickly. She couldn't focus on anything but her pain.

"Are you okay? Should I call for someone?" Jake asked.

Sofia shook her head "I'm fine. Just a bit shaken. Please don't call anyone"

"Okay" Jake said in calming voice "What's your name?"

"S-Sofia" she replied. "Why are you traveling to Catania?" She asked trying to change the topic.

"To finish my studies. You?" Jake replied.

"Family reunion" she said shortly.

"Oh. Those aren't my favorite" Jake said lifting up the mood. "Nice shirt by the way. You're a marvel fan?" Jake asked.

"Yes" Sofia responded.

Jake was nice. He asked what's movie is her favorite and why then they talked a little bit about Italy and how exciting it is to try out new cuisine.

As they were speaking Sofia's mouth went dry and she started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. I forgot to buy water" Sofia lied. She had no money for water. All her money she spent for the plane ticket.

"I've got two bottles on me, here. This one is unopened"

"You're giving it to me?" Sofia was touched by the gesture, he chuckled a little at her surprised face.

"Of course. Take it"

"Thank you"

Right after Sofia finished speaking a stewardess asked them to buckle their seatbelts because they will be soon landing in Catania.

Sofia took a small sip of water because she knew it's worth more than gold to a person with her situation.

What's her situation? Well. Sofia is 17 years old teenager who travelled to Catania with as much as $2 in her pocket.

Her situation was very peculiar. Her mother never wanted her to find out who her father is. She was diligently hiding that information. Sofia currently had no money, no person she could ask for help and she needed to find her father or any living relative soon or she will be in a lot of trouble. Hopefully she won't die out of starvation or thirst. Or end up being attacked by some creep.

She needed to take action quickly. Find them quickly, right after she arrives.


Mom arrived to Santa Maria, Texas when she was pregnant with her. A single, pregnant women left her country, her family, and came to the small town in the US. Why? Who did she left behind?

Sofia had no answer to that.

But as she spend 16 (almost 17) years with that woman she knew that her mother had very bad taste in men. All Sofia could hope for is that it is not hereditary trait.

Mother's boyfriends were usually, just like mom, a little too depended on alcohol to get by. And drunk men were dangerous.

But then mom met Paul. Paul was special. He was different. Better.

Mr. Perfect at first sight. A gentleman, funny, doesn't like to drink, has a job, what a catch!

Everyone know him and people when they see him smile and say "hi", he's everyone's friends.

Sofia didn't know how they hit it off but ever since they started dating and mom started getting better. The wedding happened so quickly, three months and mom's already in a bride dress. The following months were the best time of Sofia's and her mother's life. Mom didn't have to pay all the bills to keep her failing restaurant afloat.

But nothing good can last forever.

And no one really is perfect.

Paul worked as a truck driver so it's only naturally that he wasn't home that often but he was also not picking up his phone when he was gone - this was harder to explain.

Because of that mother's mood had ups and downs. When he was present it was up when he was gone again she was drinking again.

At some point she was drinking even when he was home. Their marriage started to fall apart.

Mother was getting more and more sick, jealous, suspicious.

When she was drunk she was aggressive. She was starting to be violent and he was always calm and collected. He always had it sorted out. But for time to time he tended to push he away from himself.

Once when he pushed her too hard. When she fell she hurt her head really badly.

At that time Sofia called the police on Paul and they accepted her phone-call but didn't send anyone. That should be a red flag for her but she assumed that was just some sort of mistake.

"Mom why are you crying?" Sofia asked panicked when she came back home later at night with weed hidden in her pocket.

"He's gone again" mother sobbed.

Sofia remained quiet for awhile. He hear was breaking for her mom that's why she needed to ask "Mom have you been thinking about divorce?"

Mom looked at Sofia with shock in her eyes. "What? What are you talking about?!" She instantly got nervous "What divorce? He's busy. He's just busy I'm sure he's having a good reason. I'm overreacting" she was walking around the room waving her hands, messing up her hair. She was desperately trying to calm herself down.

"But mom he... he hit you"

"I was drunk. I was yelling at him, cussing, I provoked him. It's not his fault he didn't start it"

"And what about him disappearing without a word?"

"Sofia. Those are adult matters. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong! He's nice to you isn't he? You like him, right?"

No. She had liked him in the past. Not anymore.

"He's nice" Sofia agreed "for most of the time"

"Never bring it up again" mother warned.

"Okay, whatever" Sofia sighted and started going upstairs to avoid the future drama.

Sofia should've pushed for the divorce harder. But she had no idea that Paul will eventually murder her mother.

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