30. Bodyguard

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Author's note:
As always I'm very thankful for all of your comments, they keep me motivated.


Technically what she had planned for today didn't require any cash but she didn't mind using it either if Francesco insisted. It just felt wired.

Before she left the house Sofia managed to convince Francesco to let her visit Taormina. He assumed she wanted to go sightseeing after all the city was a popular tourist attraction so he agreed.

Black Audi R8 was waiting for her and Raul. Not that Sofia knew what brand it was for her it just looked nice and shiny.

Speaking of Raul. He was a middle-aged man, big and muscular and he had very short spiky hair. There was a colorless headpiece in his ear. He was wearing a simple black suit set, white shirt. No tie. He had a tattoo on his neck.

He waited for Sofia to get inside the car. When she entered the car her nostrils were hit by the smell of the fresh leather.

Raul didn't ask about anything. He already knew where to go so he started the car and they were off to go.


When Sofia left the car so did Raul. Wordlessly, he followed her.  Sofia was freaking out sensing the gaze of a stranger on her back while she was walking down the streets. Of course, she knew her fear was unreasonable because he was there for her protection but she couldn't help it. It was very weird to be watched like that.

Well, instead of focusing on Raul Sofia decided to focus on her path, she had a very concrete goal for today.

She was on a typical narrow street in the old town of Taormina. The houses surrounding the historic area were colorful and ever corned looked like a perfect place to make an Instagram picture.

Finally, Sofia stopped in front of the green door in front of the house there were small orange trees planted next to it.

She stopped and looked at Raul "I came here to visit my friend so I don't know... um... I mean..."

Raul smiled at her awkwardness.

"Relax, I will wait outside"

She didn't know if nonna Rosa would be okay with another guess but it also felt wrong to leave Raul here alone.

"Is it really okay?" She asked pretty worriedly and his smile became even wider.

"You're the most considerate rich kid I ever worked for," Raul said in good humor. "Don't worry about me just go and have fun"

Sofia smiled back at him and nodded.

"Sofia! I'm so happy to see you" Nonna Rosa gave Sofia a crushing hug despite seeing her only for a second time. Sofia also felt weirdly at home that woman had an amazing aura of warmth surrounding her it was impossible to feel unwelcome with the way she treated her.

"Come in, dear," she said nicely.

Sofia entered the familiar face and she smiled. Rosa was making ravioli, a homemade one with the freshly kneaded dough.

"Hi," Bruno said simply, he appeared in the kitchen the moment Sofia walked in. He was wearing a dark green t-shirt and black shorts. She couldn't help but think that green shirt nicely complimented his emerald eyes.

"Hi," Sofia said shyly and brushed, he smiled at her in return.

"Cmon kids sit down the food is almost ready," Nonna Rosa said, she was in the process of dropping freshly prepared ravioli into the boiling water. Soon Sofia discovered they were filled with spinach, pesto, and cream sauce. It was absolutely delicious. 

"There's something we would like to ask you grandma" Bruno started. He already knew Sofia is shy in nature and it's hard for her to bring up the topic in front of an older person she doesn't know.

"What is it cucciolo?" Bruno blushed and Sofia wanted to laugh. Did Rosa just call his grandson a puppy? What a sweet term. For some reason, it incredibly fitted Bruno. He knew how to be cute, especially when he smiled and the small dimples in the corners of his mouth showed.

"Sofia discovered she's a half-sister of Ianniello brothers and according to our knowledge her mother had to get pregnant before she left the country so is there any chance that her second-half of the family is someone else than Denaros?"

"Of course it's Denaros," Rosa said without the moment of hesitation. "Have you tried to contact them?"

"Not yet... I wanted to ask you first if there is anything you know that you could add to our story? Like was mother relationship with Denaro only a one night stand and then Giorgio kicked her out?" Sofia asked trying to confirm her theory.

"Your mother got pregnant at 17. It was early, and she was scared. At that time it was expected for a man was to take responsibility and marry the girl. Ianniello did just that but it was a loveless, unhappy marriage from what Ida was telling me there was violence. Giorgio was well respected public figure but there was always a rumor that he isn't treating his wife and sons well. After Catarina cheated she was given an ultimatum: She leaves the country and forgets she ever had a family or stays and Giorgio starts the war with Denaros. I still remember vividly the time Ida was telling me this story. She couldn't stop crying for her daughter"

"War? Like what sort of war? And why are you referring to them per Don?" Sofia had a very bad feeling about this but she didn't want to speculate. No, she was shutting down the possibility that her family might be...

"Sofia" Rosa grabbed her curled into fist into her hands. "You don't need to rush things. Take your time. You will know when you're ready to know"

"I'm ready now. Just tell me"

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