32. Principessa

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When the doors opened she was greeted with Veronica's face. The brown-eyed girl's face shifted from a neutral expression into annoyance the moment she saw who's visiting.

"What do you want?" she asked in a hostile voice.

"Is Anastasio here?" Sofia asked trying to make her voice gentle and unthreatening. She didn't know what she did to annoy Veronica, she just wanted to get over with it and see Anastasio. She didn't have much time.

"Why?" Veronica asked defensively and then looked at the bodyguard standing behind Sofia "And who's he? Have you brought a cop with you?"

Behind challenge and aggression in her voice, there was fear. Sofia realized that Veronica wasn't a bitch just for a sake of it. She just didn't trust strangers and why would she? She was a homeless kid many people must have failed her if she found herself in this predicament. Sofia understood, she understood more than she wanted to where all Veronica's anger is coming from.

"No. He's my... friend" Sofia said hesitantly to reveal that he's her bodyguard for some reason. Maybe it just didn't feel right for her to have a bodyguard in a world where Veronica can't afford food.

"Hey, do you want a focaccia?" Sofia asked randomly handing her the pile of focaccias and saving one bag for later. A shocked expression was painted on Veronica's face and Sofia couldn't help but wonder when was the last time she was eating.

This is when Anastasio chose to appear.

"I thought I told you, you can't come back here," he said but he didn't sound mad, his voice was relaxed and he sent a curious glance at the man standing behind Sofia.

"I am not chased by the police anymore and I just came here to thank you, I owe you a focaccia" she responded and handed him the last piece of bread she had in her hands. At that gesture Veronica's eyes narrowed, she scoffed and left with a pile of food in her hands.

"Well, I guess if police are not on your ass anymore, we can go for a walk," he said with laid back attitude as he held his hands in his pockets.

Sofia's heart started to beat quicker and she felt excitement in her chest. For a moment she forgot it would be a good time to go home because it's getting late and she energetically nodded her head.

"Sure, let's go"

"And why is this huge guy following you?" Anastasio asked pointing rudely at Raul who's lips were now pursued into a thin line. Oh, he didn't look happy by the turn of events.

"He's my bodyguard, Raul" Sofia revealed awkwardly.

"Well, damn. Hi Raul" Anastasio said and waved at the man. Anastasio didn't look even slightly surprised by the idea of her having a bodyguard. He acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world and they started walking forward.

Oh, the other hand Raul didn't even bother to greet him back. Actually, he was completely silent as he was following a couple of friends. Sofia sent him a nervous glance but she was too scared of his grave expression to start speaking and ask what's wrong. She was also afraid that he will force her to go back home.

When they got to the point he want to show her Sofia took a deep breath and said "Holy shit"

That is the only thing she could muster after seeing the place Anastasio brought her to. They were at the ruins of ancient theatre The auditorium the columns were added to the sides of the stage. Behind the ruins, the most beautiful scenery imaginable unfolded. She could see the Gulf of Taormina with Mount Etna in the background, a plume of smoke ascending from its crater and merging with the sky and the color of the Mediterranean sea.

Sofia's Secret Mafia Brothersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें