C93 - Giant Salamander

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Ma Xiao listened to these people’s curses, and his smile had already frozen on his face.

Their Giant Tiger Tribe was so powerful, but they were still being cursed like this by these people…

He would definitely kill all these people!

However, he only thought that in his heart. On the surface, he still needed to keep a conversation flowing with these people.

Xiong Ye was lying on the hay, finding this scene a little hilarious as he watched it.

He didn’t interrupt, and most of the people of the tribe didn’t interrupt either. In order to avoid being exposed, some of the people present didn’t even know that Ma Xiao was from the Giant Tiger Tribe–the priest had only told them that they couldn’t let anyone else know that the Big Bear Tribe was doing well.

They also didn’t want other people to know that the Big Bear Tribe had become rich in resources.

The cold winter with its shortage of food was coming soon. Many tribes had a very difficult time making it through the winter; if these people learned that the Big Bear Tribe had an abundance of resources, they might run over to join the Big Bear Tribe and try to get their share of food!

They didn’t want to have to share their food!

So, these people remained silent as they listened to the priest and the others curse the Giant Tiger Tribe.

After a period of cursing, it was time for dinner. Xiong He began to distribute food for the meal.

He had specifically had someone pull out all the smallest earth eggs, and what was distributed was precisely that. Additionally, they also distributed some of the plants they had gathered.

“Our tribe goes hunting every other day. Today wasn’t a hunting day, so…” Xiong He gave Ma Xiao an embarrassed look, then gave him some earth eggs that had already gone bad from being left for too long along with a piece of rotting salted meat.

This salted meat came from his stores.

Before, when the tribe was short on salt, he had tried to cure meat with less salt. That meat had gone bad, but he had originally planned to eat it anyway even if it had spoiled. However, Zhou Ji had then come up with the method to make smoked meat, and then tribe had picked up a lot of meat and were no longer short on meat…

He had placed that piece of bad meat in the sun to dry it out, then hung it in the firewood shed, intending to save it for food in the future–the smell of this salted meat was really unappealing, and he couldn’t stand smelling it at home.

Once he set it aside, he had completely forgotten about it and only remembered it now.

The corner of Ma Xiao’s lips twitched violently when he received this piece of rotting cured meat. He hadn’t eaten such stuff in many years!

However, he was now acting as a helpless, unfortunate person who had come out to trade for salt and had had his goods stolen… Ma Xiao could only grit his teeth and choke it down.

For a moment, he even wondered if the Big Bear Tribe had seen him coming and was deliberately playing around with him, but he soon dispelled his doubts.

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