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Barley was a type of cereal. It could mature and be harvested every three months. It didn’t have a high yield and wasn’t suitable for making bread, but it was very nutritious and made for a great staple food.

Highland barley was a type of barley that was planted in high plateaus. One of the staple foods of the Tibetans was ‘zanba’, which was made out of highland barley that had been washed, dried, then fried, ground into barley powder, and finally, mixed into butter tea.

Earth eggs were a good staple food, but they had one drawback, which was that they weren’t easy to preserve. In contrast, barley was different. It could be stored for a long time after it was dried, and keeping it for a year wasn’t a problem at all.

And although it couldn’t be used to make bread, it could be used to make flatbread or zanba…

Before the apocalypse, Zhou Ji had traveled to Tibet and tried authentic zanba made with butter tea. It had been delicious when paired with yak meat.

Unfortunately, there was no point even thinking about butter tea in this place.

All the mammals in this world were beastmen, which meant if they wanted milk, they would have to drink human milk…

“This thing isn’t tasty?” Xiong Ye felt a little downcast. He had felt that this thing was pretty good, which was why he had wanted to give it to Zhou Ji. If it was no good…

“Other than earth eggs, no other plants are tasty.” Bao Cheng said. He hadn’t known that Xiong Ye wanted to take this thing to gift it to others before, so he hadn’t said much about it…

“It’s actually very delicious.” Zhou Ji spoke very calmly, “The plant that the Beast God wanted me to find was actually this.”

He had made up a reason for why he needed to come out this time and had originally planned to say that the pumpkin had been the plant he was looking for. Unexpectedly, after a series of twists and turns, he had actually managed to obtain barley!

“The food that the Beast God told you to find is this small?” Xiong Qi was surprised. These things were so small. Even if they were delicious, how were they supposed to pick them up?

“You’ll understand when it’s planted.” Zhou Ji said. Barley didn’t have a large yield, but it could be grown everywhere and planted in large areas. It was also very efficient for filling the stomach; it was a good thing!

Zhou Ji was too lazy to explain much more, so he kept his face expressionless. Xiong Qi felt a little quiver in his heart when he saw him like this, “Great Beast God, I’m not questioning you. Please forgive me.”

Although the Little Brook Tribe didn’t have a priest to teach them the proper way to worship the Beast God, they still believed in the Beast God––not every tribe had a priest, but they all interacted with other tribes and knew about the Beast God’s existence.

When the people of the Little Brook Tribe saw this interaction, they were full of shock, “Beast God?”

“Zhou Ji is the messenger of the Beast God.” Xiong Ye explained. He had always been keeping an eye on any changes in Zhou Ji.

The previous priest might have been a gift from the Beast God to their tribe, but Zhou Ji was a gift from the Beast God to him.

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