20| Always

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Chapter 20: Always (Michael's POV)

We sat in the busy dining hall, eating lunch while I kept trying to kick my parents' thoughts out of my head. 

"Have the others left?" she asked, "the rest of the team?" 

I paused, stopped chewing, and looked up at her. 

Oh dear God, you have no idea what has happened. 

While Amelia was asleep, early this morning, my phone rang. It was Christian. He blew up my phone. I went into the bathroom so it wouldn't wake her up and he told me to get to Vince's room as soon as possible. I was very confused and so disheveled. He couldn't know I was with Amelia but I had no time to change. I fixed my clothes and rushed downstairs as quietly as I could, taking her key card with me. I made it to Vince's room and Christian was right there, pacing. 

He frowned in confusion upon seeing me. "Why are you in last night's clothes?" 

"I was too tired, I knocked out. What the hell happened?" I huffed. 

He showed me his phone. 

I read through the article quickly, letting out a scoff. "What bullshit is this?" 

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Is it bullshit? Do you really think it is?" 

"It has to be, he's not dumb." 

Debatable at times. 

"Michael, man." He looked at me incredulously. "You were there last night, right? Did you not see the way they looked at each other?" 

"I did." 


I narrowed my eyes. "And it's the way you look at Maya and Maya looks at you." 

He rolled his eyes. "Please. Shut your mouth, I'm not dumb. And even if I was sleeping with Maya, nobody would know." 

I think he is, actually... There's something there but it's none of my business. 


What Vince has done is because it doesn't just put his reputation on the line, it puts the team's reputation at risk too. 


I blinked at Amelia. "Yeah," I nodded, "yeah, everyone left." 

She nodded in understanding and we continued eating. After I asked them to add my total to the final bill I would pay at check out, we left. We got a cab and I got the door for her. She glanced at me, her eyes lingering on mine before she sat inside. I rounded the car, sitting beside her. 

"Where to, sir?" the driver asked, his eyes widening as he recognized me. 

"Um," I cleared my throat, my throat feeling tight. 

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