9| Hostile

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Chapter 9: Hostile (Amelia's POV)

On the bus ride back home the next morning, I slept my way through it. It didn't matter who I sat next to, I was waking up with my head on their shoulder. Even when it was Michael. Since the bus stopped at our stadium, from there we all went our separate ways since the day was off, hailed a taxi each, and went home. 

The next day, Michael had dinner planned with his uncle right after evening practice and he demanded that I accompany him. 

"Are you feeling better now?" Demi asked while we both grabbed drinks from the fridge in the lounge room. 

"Yeah, I am, thanks for asking," I smiled. All of us were sitting around while the guys practiced until we heard the loud whistle blowing, signaling practice was over. I was talking to Maya as I walked out when I noticed everybody was looking at someone in confusion. I followed everyone's gaze and saw... my sister. "Uh, Cameron?" I asked, "what are you doing here?" 

"Jesus, I've been looking for you everywhere for like ten minutes. They wouldn't let me in at first." 

I walked over to her while the rest of the assistants went and sat down and the players got out of the rink, heading to the locker room. "Yeah, only players and staff are allowed here on most days. What's going on?" 

She reached into her bag and took out a set of keys. "Look familiar?" She dangled them in my face. 

I reached to take them but she pulled them out of my reach and behind her back. "My apartment keys... I thought they were in my purse," I sighed. 

She handed them to me. "You left them at our place when you stopped by for breakfast this morning. Thanks for coming, by the way. We really needed help sorting out the kitchen." 

I nodded, "Sure." I held onto my keys and realized she was looking at something behind me. I turned around and saw Michael getting out of the rink. 

She was looking at someone then. Her jaw clenched and her arms folded across her chest. Oh, no. 


"Hello, Michael." 

I closed my eyes, exhaling softly. Kill me. Now. Seriously, do it. 

He looked over, his cheeks and nose red and flushed with his hair damp from sweat and the ice. He took his gloves off and walked over, setting his skates to the side. "Hey, Cameron," he said, still catching his breath as he stood beside me. 

"You should go shower," I said to him, hoping he'd leave before Cameron got a chance to grill him. 

She never got that chance since I started working for him and she's been waiting, no, dying for it. "How have you been, Michael?" 

"Cameron, there are people here," I warned, "people who don't know my past," I whispered, hoping she'd take the hint. 

"I sure hope hockey is going well for you," she continued, ignoring me. "I hope nobody breaks your nose with the puck or hits your head with the stick. By accident, of course." She smiled fakely. 

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