11| Forever

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Chapter 11: Forever (Amelia's POV)

There's not one part of me that doesn't remember that day. It was my favorite birthday out of all my birthdays, even the others I celebrated with him. We made a lot of promises to each other that day and they meant the world to me. Even if we couldn't keep them. 

"It's beautiful," I whispered, trying to hold back tears. I don't know why but it made me emotional. I could have been all alone on my birthday, but that's not the thought that made me sad. 

It's the fact that I came to this college and found Michael so quickly. Now, just within one year, we're inseparable. I would do just about anything for him, I'd give him in the world. 

And if I never met him at that beach, if I never spent one hour cruising down Miami streets with him the next day, and if he didn't start calling me, taking me for coffee and dinners, or if he didn't take me on little dates that we both knew were secretly romantic dates and kiss me, I wouldn't have Michael Woods in my life at all. And that thought just broke my heart. 

"Why are you crying, baby?" he laughed softly, his thumb stroking the back of my hand. 

I sniffled, looking at the bag and Ruffles and the chocolates and that damn necklace. There were even rose petals in the bag. And then I lost my mind and started sobbing. I wiped my cheeks only for fresh tears to roll down. I was ugly crying at some point. I think that was when he pulled me even closer than before and put his arms around me, one hand stroking my hair. 

"Why are you crying, babe?" he asked softly. "Do you miss your family?" 

I shook my head, sniffling and calming down a little. 

"What's wrong? You shouldn't be crying on your birthday," he chuckled softly, pulling back to look at me. He wiped my tears and held my face. "What's wrong?" 

"You did so much for me," I said, my voice hoarse. "You bought me something expensive but so meaningful. What if we never met? I wouldn't have such an amazing person like you in my life, I wouldn't be this happy. We've been together for a whole year and so much has happened. I've only known you for a year but it feels like I've known you my whole life. And I'm really in love with you." 

"Lia, I love you too." 

"No. We say 'I love you' all the time but I don't just love you. Michael, you mean the world to me. Do you understand what that means? I feel like my world would stop without you in it. It... scares me," I admitted, "the thought of losing you." 

He sighed softly. "And why would you ever lose me? Hmm?" 

"You never know," I mumbled, "we have our whole lives ahead of us." I frowned just at the thought. 

"Amelia," he said slowly and then stared at me. His eyes fell to my lips and he leaned in, kissing me. He pulled me closer and held me there, his hold firm on me while he tilted my chin up to kiss me better. He pecked my lips numerous times before pulling away. "I don't care if we have five years left ahead of us or ten or eternity. And I don't know where you'll be in those years later if not with me, but it shouldn't matter, right? Wherever you are, you know I'm with you." 

Forever Mine (ROYAL RIDERS SERIES BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now