Chapter 4

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    I am still at the sight of him. He glowers at me from the entryway. Brewer turns putting his body between us and I am grateful to him for it.

  "We are having soup", he says it as though it's the simplest thing in the world. He says it as though he is not starting in the face of a man legendary in his monstrosity.

  He ignores Breuer and steps further into the room, "are you whoring yourself out to my beta?". The force of his question, no accusation, steals the breath from my lungs.

  "If you want to be a little slut for all the mateless men I see no issue with tossing you to my army", he says,

"they'd make much better use of you than him". Is he serious? Of course, he is. Why wouldn't he be? He could do all manner of awful things to me. I have no say. I have no freedom. I have nothing. I am nothing. I feel like the room is shrinking in on us trapping me. Or maybe it's my heart constricting on itself. Maybe that's why my chest hurts. Am I having a heart attack? Am I dying? Oh God, I am dying. I feel as though I am not in my own body. I am a ghost watching how I claw at my flesh as I try to heave in oxygen that doesn't want to come. I watch myself pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around myself.

  "She's your mate", says Breuer. The words mean nothing to me.

  "Remember your place Breuer", Grimm says, "or have you forgotten what I'm doing for you?".

  "You are doing nothing for me you went to war to feed your tyranny".

  Grimm glares at him, "then remember what they did to you. What they took from you. And remember my tyranny is allowing you your vengeance".

  "How can you do this?", Breuer pleads with the humanity he does not have.

  "I've done nothing wrong", he says.

  "How can you think that?", Breuer asks.

  "She is my mate", he says, "she was created for me, to fulfill my desires. Who am I to deny her her purpose?".

  "You are wrong", Breuer says, "her purpose is to cherish you as you should her".

  "You are weak".

  "You are blinded by the madness of your father's stale blood", Grimm visibly bristles at his words.

  "How dare you remind me of my shame", Grimm growls at him.

  "That blood is not your shame", Breuer says, "she is". Grimm roars his angst and goes to tackle Breuer shifting in midair. His wolf is a scarred and hideous thing. He brings his fury down onto Breuer who shifts himself into an equally hideous beast. If not for their colorings I'd hardly be able to tell them apart. Grimm is silver and so bright he seems to glow whereas Breuer is blacker than night. They circle one another looking for openings in one another.

  Grimm strikes first knocking Breuer back where he hits a rack of pots and pans before regaining his footing. He snarls lowering his head and raising his hackles to show his vicious intent.

  Grimm draws closer before leaping to attack him. Breuer dodges the attack and skids under him tearing at Grimm's abdomen with claws and teeth as he does. Grimm howls pain and rage at this attack before taking up his former stance. They return to circling each other snapping and growling.

  This time Breuer lunges going for Grimm's legs but, he misses when Grimm hops up. When comes down he lands hard on Breuer. Before Breuer can catch his breath Grimm locks his teeth around Breuer's throat.

  Breuer swings his head side to side trying to dislodge his but, it's no use, and Grimm's teeth sink deeper drawing blood. He is forced to submit or die. He chooses the former bowing his head to his opponent. Still, Grimm hangs on and for a moment I think he will kill him.

  Finally, he lets go. Breuer shifts back first as is customary for the loser. When Grimm shifts back his focus is on me immediately. He comes over and shoves my body off the counter. I'm unbothered by his action even as I hit the ground. I am no longer within my body in any way that matters. I am only watching things unfold.

  He yanks up my body by my arm and pulls me along after him. I now notice how a crowd has gathered to watch the carnage.

  We're about to exit the room when Grimm calls over his shoulder, "challenge me again and I'll exhume your mate and child's corpses to treat them as I do her".

  "It wouldn't be the first time you've taken from the dead", Breuer shouts back. Grim scowls and yanks my form down the hall. I want to stay with Breuer but, I am bound to my body.

  My body stumbles after him. It was one thing to stay on my feet when I was being guided down the hall. My body is now being dragged down the hall as I struggle to keep up. If I could feel anything I would feel glad to not be in my body right now.

  We are in the room again and he throws me across the room. I land in a broken heap but, I am unbothered by it. He starts up with his usual routine of abusing me. My body does whatever he wants. It follows his every instruction to a T, it even smiles how he likes it to.

  When he is done my body is broken beyond recognition. I can no longer recognize my body as we are no longer the same. I exist on another plane watching everything as it happens to me.

  Without me, my body behaves perfectly for him. It greets him at the door every day with a smile. It does everything he asks. It takes the rewards it is given. The only time me and my body are close is when he allows us our pills. And I watch as it all happens.

 And I watch as it all happens

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