Chapter 3

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  Steam hangs heavy in the air. The hot wet air almost comes in waves against my face. It's warm and soothing and by far the best thing I've felt in what feels like a very long time. I don't get to bathe much and when I do the water is frigid.

  This feels so nice I can focus on it enough that I barely feel how his hands slide over my skin. I think the worst part of his touch is the tingles I get from it. It's like our bond is mocking me.

  As promised he is bathing me. For once he's not even being that terrible. His hands are gentle rubbing the soapy water over my body. I could've moaned when he was washing my hair. I might truly be enjoying myself if I didn't see the pinkness of the water. I can't feel my wounds anymore as they've become so ingrained into my existence.

  I take a moment away from enjoying the feel of the steam to really look at him. Despite it all, he is still the most handsome man I've ever seen. His hair hangs past his shoulders and sticks to his face from the humidity. Our bond calls out to me begging to push the strands from his eyes.

  His eyes snap to mine and I feel as though I've been caught doing something I shouldn't. A hand comes up to rest on my cheek. My breath stills at the action. I'm surprised at his tenderness.

  The moment is ruined before I can truly begin to enjoy it as he shoves my head under the water. Surprised at his action I gasp and the once soothing water floods into my lungs. I thrash under the water while panic overwhelms my nerves. My nails dig into his wrist desperate for air. I try to look for an escape but, the soap stings my eyes. A warm dark dizzy feeling starts to take over my mind and I feel myself falling into it.

  It's only when I stop fighting and give in to my perceived fate that am I pulled back up. I don't get the chance to breathe or expel the water filling my lungs before his lips are on mine. He kisses me hard and the sharks push me further into my darkness until it's all there is.

  When I come to again I'm laying cold and naked in the now drained tub. Immediately I hunch over myself coughing violently. It's a long while before I manage to stop and my chest still aches screaming its need for air which I take in greedily.

  I've seemingly been laying here for a long while as I'm entirely dry except for the tears adorning my cheeks. Did he mean to kill me? Is that what he wants, for me to just perish? Maybe I should. Maybe it'd be better if I did. I've never thought to escape as I know to do so would be futile. Alpha Grimm is a man of power and if he wants me to be here I simply have no other choice. My only possible escape is death.

  I hear a knock at the door to my room. It's odd, Grimm never knocks. I remember how he said he wants me to greet him at the door. I stand on shaking legs to do as he told me. It only takes one step for me to come crashing down taking the shower curtain down with me. I land with a resounding thud closely followed by a groan of pain.
  I hear the bedroom door slam open before the bathroom door swings open. My head is spinning as my eyes lock on a strange man staring down at me.

  "Holy fuck", he shouts before running out of the room.

  He returns seconds later and throws something soft at me before closing the door back behind him. I look down to my lap to find the thing he threw at me. It's a shirt. It's a large men's button-down shirt that I'm assuming belongs to Grimm.

  "Are you decent?", he shouts through the door. I realize he wants me to put the shirt on. I pull the sleeves over my arms and button it up the best I can with my shaking fingers. It's buttoned crookedly and fits awkwardly on me but, it falls almost to my knees and I'm grateful for it.

  "I'm dressed", I call out. My voice is hoarse and quiet. The door opens slowly this time as if he doesn't trust my words. In the doorway stands a fidgety blushing mess of a man.

  "I am so sorry about that", he says, "I was looking for Alpha Grimm". He pauses not knowing what to say.

  "I'm um- I'm Breuer, I'm the beta here. You must be one of- one of Grimm's uh- lady workers. It's nice to meet you", he bends over and holds a hand out for me to shake. I put my hand in his and give it a weak shake.

  "Actually, I'm his mate", I say. He looks at me like I just struck him.

  "You're his what", he stares down at me shocked, "and he has you in this condition?". I watch as a storm brews in the features of the blond man standing over me. He looked so friendly moments ago but, now it is as though there is murder in his eyes.

  "Can you help me", I ask not having the energy to be scared of his anger, "I can't walk". He blinks a couple of times before helping me to my feet. One arm comes to hold me up around my waist and he touches to allow me to put an arm over his shoulders.

  He helps me over to the bed and sets me on the edge of it before returning to the bathroom.

  When he comes back to my side he has a first aid kit.

  He smiles apologetically at me, "could you lay down for me to tend your wounds?". I do as he says. He goes about cleaning my injuries making quick work of it all. He seems to be trying to keep it out of his expression but, he fails and I can see his clear sadness.

  "What's wrong?", I ask. He looks up at my face and gives me what is so clearly a fake smile.

  "There's nothing to worry about", his breath shakes as the words come out, "what you need is a good meal and a cup of honeyed tea and you'll be right as rain". Anyone could hear the lie in his words. I am not okay and I doubt I'll ever be again.

  "Why don't you come down to the kitchen with me and get that ready for you?", he offers. I nod eager to get out of this awful room. He helps me up again and this time I don't struggle quite as much.

  The walk down to the kitchen is difficult but, we somehow make it. The muscles in my legs have no doubt atrophied away to almost nothing. I can't give what I must look like to the passing omegas. The omegas don't look too much better than me but, still.

  Brewer sits me up on the counter while he pulls the ingredients for whatever he's making from an industrial-sized fridge and pantry.

  He sets his chosen ingredients next to me. Next, he fills a kettle with water before setting it on a burner. Then, he takes a cutting board and large knife from a cabinet. I flinch at the sight of it but, he doesn't seem to notice and goes about chopping up his ingredients. He hums as he cooks and before I know it he's ladled up two big bowls of vegetable rice soup and accompanying mugs of honeyed chamomile tea.

  "Sorry if it's a bit bland but, I take it you haven't eaten in a while and I don't want to upset your stomach. I lift a spoonful of it to my lips and almost moan. It's hardy, flavorful, and bursting with richness in a way only good homemade food can. It reminds me of something. Of something in my life before I came here. When I try to recall my past it feels hazy now as most things I try to think of do but, this soup stirs something in me. Tears blur my vision again but, now a small smile graces my lips. It's the first genuine one I've worn in a while.

  "It's delicious thank you", I take another bite and have to restrain myself from inhaling it.

  "This is nothing", he smiles, "you should've tried my mates, now hers was something special".

  "What is this?", comes a hostile voice. We turn to see Grimm standing in the entryway.

 We turn to see Grimm standing in the entryway

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