The Lying Detective- Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Third POV

It took a couple of days for things to slowly go back to as they once were...

Michelle went back hospital, Sherlock was discharged and sent home. Mary and John supported both of their best friends and of course, Mrs Hudson was still keeping Baker Street away from a fall.

Mycroft, however, was worried. During the period where Michelle was high from the medical usage of drugs, something strange happened...

Saint Bartholomew's hospital

"Ah, Yellowbeard!" Michelle smiled before frowning. "No, your not Yellowbeard... Alexander!" Her head was rolling side to side. Mycroft looked to her curiously. Unsure on what to do but then he thought: if she's high, she is not herself. Therefore she won't remember...

Michelle giggles again which tore Mycroft away from his thoughts. "Hello, Iris." He replied with a small smile. Acting as if she was child, she wobbled over to him and gave him a hug. "I've missed you."

"And I you, my dear." He walked her over to the bed, carefully helping her in. She was discomforted at first but then wiggled her way so that her head lied on his lap. "Did you know, that your sister..." She points to him. "Killed my brother..." She points to herself.

Mycroft looked down to her. "How much do you remember, Iris?" She thought for a moment then shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure... It kinda comes and goes."

It was silent for a moment. Then she sniffled sadly. "Why did she kill my brother? I mean, I know why but... Why Victor-Trevor?" Mycroft smiled sadly. "Did you know, she blamed me for it. She told my mother and father it was me. Bang! Went my happy childhood. Bang! Went my happy home. Father used to punish me. Three times a day, everyday."

"I know." Mycroft replied guiltily. "I have sixty five percent nerve damage on my back because of him. On a good day he'd punish me with a belt on a bad one..." She pulled her hands apart, signifying something long. "It was a chain."

"How long have you known about this?" He asks, elaborating on his last question. She twists her head to look away thoughtfully. "I started to remember little things when I first met Sherlock or met William again." He sighs heavily to himself. "I thought so."

"He doesn't remember me, does he?"

"I can't say for sure..." Michelle smiled again. "You should try and sleep."

"You're probably right." She sat up from Mycroft's lap before falling on her pillow, huffing heavily to herself. "I had a miscarriage..."

"I know, Iris, I know." He spoke gently. "Twins run in the family, ya know. My nan was twins with my great aunt. Mar-Mar is twins with my mum. I was twins with my brother..." Mycroft listened to her babble on before she started to yawn. "I think the universe has it out for me." She muttered tiredly. "How so?"

"I feel like I'm a starcrossed lover with Sherlock. William. Yellowbeard..." She limply waves her hand in the air. "I don't know."

"Nothings going to harm you again, Iris. I promise you that much, at the least."

"I love you, brother mine. You always look after me." She mutters tiredly, eyes slowly closing. "I love you too... Sister of mine. I will always look after you." He stays with her for a few minutes before leaving...

"I had, of course, several other backup plans. Trouble is, I couldn't remember what they were." In 221B's living room, Sherlock sits in his chair holding a mug in both hands. He has his dark blue dressing gown over his clothes. Although he still has a few days of beard growth, his hair looks cleaner than it has been.

Sherlock - The Game Is On!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora