Chapter 9

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Connor's POV

The familiar touch of soft skin caressed my hand, and my lips automatically curved up into a smile. My eyes struggled to open. I was desperate to gaze upon the face of Kimo, the angel I was sure was holding my hand.

My eyes were slow to respond. It was like my mind was battling with my body, and my body was winning. I fought harder, willing my eyes to open. I needed to see Kimo. It felt like forever since I'd last seen his beautiful face.

A sharp pain shot through my left side and I winced. That seemed to only be the beginning of my pain. The pain crept up my sides and across my chest before spreading through my arms and up to my head.

My upper body felt like it was being hacked to pieces by a persistent serial killer who was trying to see how much he could torture me without killing me, but the lower half of my body wasn't in pain. I tried again to open my eyes.

"Connor?" It was a scratchy voice which sounded like it had been to hell and back. My heart broke just from hearing the sadness in his voice, and like a tidal wave, the memory of the accident came rushing back.

The rain, the pedestrian, the car spinning out of control, the agony of my body feeling like it was being ripped in half as I slumped over the steering wheel; I remembered it all. My head throbbed as the images flashed through my mind.

"Connor!" Kimo's voice called out from very far away. His grip on my hand tightened, and I felt gentle strokes in my hair. "Connor, are you waking up! Please wake up. Connor, please, please, please."

With every plea from his mouth, my heart sank. He sounded broken and completely deviated yet hopefully that I seemed to be waking up. I fought harder against my body; I couldn't let Kimo mourn me any longer. I'd promised to make him happy, and right now all I seemed to be doing was hurting him.

This couldn't go on. I needed to wake up.

With a new found resolve to stop Kimo's tears, I forced my eyes open, groaning as the bright lights assaulted my eyes, forcing them close again.

"Connor! You're awake! Can you see me?" A drop of water splattered on my cheek, followed by another and another as Kimo leaned over my pain-riddled form.

My eyes opened again; this time much slower in preparation for the light. What I saw simultaneously made me want to smile and cry.

Kimo's cheeks were sunken in, his usually well moisturised and luscious curls were dry, frizzy and pulled up into a tangled bird's nest at the top of his head. Tears poured from his bloodshot eyes, and a wet spot of snot sat just above his top lip.

Yet when he noticed I was awake, his entire face transformed with a smile. His cheeks rose and relief and hope flooded his eyes.

He was hands down still the most beautiful person I'd ever laid eyes on, and a smile spread across my face.

"Connor, you're awake," Kimo whispered as his hand tenderly stroked my cheek. "Haʻo wau iā 'oe (I missed you)." He pressed a kiss to my lips, remaining there unmoving for a few seconds, as he smiled into the kiss before pulling away. "Whoops!" He released a little giggle and wiped the residue of snort he'd left on my lips with a tissue.

I grinned as he blew his nose and tossed the tissue in the trash, my thumb moving in gentle circles on his hand which is still holding mine. He did all of this without breaking eye contact, it was like he thought if he looked away even for a second, I would fall back asleep. I didn't mind. I'd missed seeing his face, and staring into his eyes was a nice distraction from the pain.

"How," I paused to clear my throat, completely parched. Kimo's hand slipped out of mine and he poured me some water and put the straw to my mouth. I gratefully lapped up the water, and when I thought I'd had enough I nodded, or tried to.

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