Chapter 5

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Kimo's POV

Two stunning sapphires shining with love gazed at me as slightly swollen pink lips curved up into a lazy smile. Connor's hand stroked my hair, playing with the still damp curls.

We were cuddling in bed, our legs intertwined and our hands draped over each other's bodies. He gently stretched a lock of my hair towards him, grinning as he released it and it bounced back. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the ring on his finger as he once again pulled a lock of my hair towards him.

I had worn the plastic part of the ring pop for a week before our rings had arrived. Becky had been highly amused and teased me for the entirety of that week, but threw glares and scolded anyone else who tried to give me a hard time for it. My boss had also been surprisingly supportive, and let me wear the plastic since I only cashiered that week.

Luckily, our official engagement rings had finally been delivered a few days ago. They were simple; silver with a grainy finish on top that looked a little like cement plaster but finer and not rough in texture. The rings were perfect, the finish reminded me of the beach where he proposed, and I couldn't have been happier.

"I love you," Connor murmured.

"I know." He grinned in response, pressing a kiss to my lips. "I love you too," I said, playing with his ear.

After a few more quiet minutes of enjoying each other's embrace, I asked, "Are you ready for what I planned for you today?"

"Can't we just stay in bed?" A pout formed on his lips, and I giggled and flattened his lips with mine.

"You'll love it, I promise! I have your ideal day planned."

Connor frowned. "You know my ideal day is spending all day cuddling with you in bed."

"Yes, but after today, this will become your ideal day." I giggled again as he rolled his eyes. "Please! This is my engagement gift to you! You'll have fun, promise!"

"Fine," an excited smile spread across my face, "but nothing outdoors," he finished.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "You act like I don't know you at all." I hopped out of bed and rifled through the drawer to find some underwear.

Connor was a homebody, he preferred nights in rather than going out, and it had taken me a lot longer than it should have to finally realise that. Growing up, every time I had asked him if he wanted to go out, he would say yes. It turned out that he had only been agreeing because he was in love with me and thought that if he didn't go every place that I asked him to, I wouldn't want to be with him.

Over the years, we'd learnt to balance our needs, sometimes we would stay at home and do something he wanted to do, and other times we would go out and do something I wanted to do. He had also learned to be a lot more vocal with what he wanted or needed instead of just going along with whatever I said.

In return, he had inadvertently taught me how to be more observant and less pushy, although I was still working on the pushy part. He had taught me patience and how to have fun doing the little things as well as how to compromise.

"What are we doing first?" Connor asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I smirked, reached into the back of the tatty closest and pulled out a plastic bag I'd hidden there last night. Taking Connor's hand, I led him to the dining room where I removed the beige table cloth, revealing the worn mahogany table, before emptying the contents of the bag onto the table.

A deep laugh echoed throughout the room as Connor surveyed the contents of the bag. "I'm oddly excited about this." He started sorting the paints while I unwrapped one of the canvases.

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