Chapter 2

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Kimo's POV

"Then Becky ran lines with me again," I said, finishing up the recount of my day. I brought Connor's hand, which was still intertwined with mine, to my mouth, placing a tender kiss there. "How was your day? Anything fun happen?"

"Oof, I don't know if I can follow that," he replied with an amused laugh. After a little more prompting, he gushed about his day and the cars he worked on.

"I didn't realise I was talking about cars so long," he said, a few minutes later, slightly bewildered. "Let's talk about something else."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Nope, we can talk about cars some more. After knowing you for seven years, I now understand about sixty percent of your shop talk." Before he could start apologising, like I could tell he was about to do, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I can't believe I still have to tell you that I would listen to you talk about anything."

The glowing appreciation and love on Connor's face shone brighter than the sun. "I love you."

"I know," I responded, releasing a delighted string of giggles. "I love you too."

He kissed my hand, and after asking if I was sure that I wanted to hear him talk more about his day, he continued giving me a detailed description of the work he had done on the cars today. I didn't mind. Anything sounded sexy coming from his deep, appealing voice. Not to mention the fact that I loved seeing the almost tangible joy he got from talking about cars.

When we were still in High School, Connor had wanted to become an automotive engineer but chose to give up on that dream, opting instead to continue his then part-time job as a mechanic. Now he worked as a mechanic full time and actually loved his job, but I knew a part of him still wanted to pursue that dream, and someday I would help him fulfill it.

Connor gushed on for the next hour, and I knew enough about cars to chime in with occasional comments so he wouldn't feel like he was talking to a wall.

"Where are we going?" I inquired, looking out the window. We trudged past lush greenery and posh houses with pristine white paint in our old car, looking very out of place to any of the wealthy people looking down on us from their balconies.

"My little Curly Fry finally got curious," Connor teased, a huge grin on his face.

A pout formed on my lips. "I'm not little! You're only three inches taller than me!" Even I had to admit that I sounded like a whining toddler when I said that, but that didn't stop me from harrumphing when Connor burst out laughing.

Connor stood at six feet two inches, while I was not far behind at five feet eleven inches. During our teenage years, I had always been taller than Connor, but it was like one day he had just woken up and decided he was going to be tall and shot up into the sky.

"Kimo, you're too cute!" He let go of my hand and stroked my hair before intertwining them again. "Alright, you can just be my adorably hot Curly Fry."

I giggled and nodded before realising that he couldn't see me since he was focused on the road. "Deal, and you're my cute and sexy Batboy!" That had been the nickname I used for him when we were younger. It had been inspired by his adorable, pointy ears.

"That nickname does sound a lot more ridiculous now that we're older," he mused, kissing my hand.

"But Curly Fry doesn't," I retorted, eliciting a soft laugh from Connor. However, I'd always loved that he called me Curly Fry, and I don't think I'll ever get too old for it.

"Sing me a song please," I requested some time later, as I watched the buildings pass.

The radio in our car no longer worked. There had been a recent change in management at Connor's workplace, and his new boss didn't allow employers to access the tools for personal use, so Connor had been unable to fix it. Now we had to make do with conversation, silence or Connor's singing.

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