Chapter 7

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"We're here." The voice was distorted, as if it was speaking to me while I was underwater.

"Kimo, we're here." There it came again, muffled and distant.

My shoulder shook and I looked towards what prompted it. I followed the hand on my shoulder up to the body and face it was connected to. "Kimo, we're here," Behzad said.

I stumbled out of the car and under the crying sky. My jaw ticked. How dare it mourn when it was partially the sky's fault that Connor was hurt. I was soon shielded from the taunts of the rain by a large umbrella.

"We're looking for Connor Reid." Behzad had somehow managed to get us inside the hospital.

"Are you family?"

"This is his fiancé, Kimo Matthews."

My body was numb. My brain wasn't functioning. I hadn't said a word since Behzad told me Connor was in a car accident.

A passenger had dashed across the road unexpectedly and Connor braked to avoid hitting them. Due to the wet road and sudden braking, the car had spun out of control and Connor crashed. The pedestrian had been fine, but Connor had to be removed from the wreckage of the car with the Jaws of Life.

A small part of me wished he'd hit the person, then they would be in the hospital fighting for their life instead of Connor.

The sound of my mournful whimpering seemed to fill the room. I couldn't lose him. Not now. Not ever. He had to make it. What would I do if I never saw his smile again or heard his voice or tasted his lips or felt his skin flushed against mine?

"Kimo Matthews, I'm Dr. Park." A Korean woman with a bob cut was standing in front of me. From the somber look on her face, I knew she didn't have good news.

I pushed myself up from the chair that I was seated in. I didn't know how much time had passed or how I had come to be sitting.

"Connor is in the ICU. He's touch and go at the moment so we have him under strict supervision. He has a concussion and an incomplete spinal cord injury. Though some movement of his legs might be possible after rehab, it is very likely that he may never be able to walk again. The next twenty-four hours are crucial."

A bark of laughter was ripped from my throat, my silence finally broken along with my mind. "This isn't real. I'm stuck in a nightmare. Yes, this isn't real." I pinch my hand. "Kimo, wake up!"

I willed the scene to shift; willed myself to be in bed waking up to Connor's kisses, willed the love of my life to be safe in my arms.

I fell to my knees defeated. The scene never shifted. I was still in the hospital staring at an ant crawling across the floor while my fiancé fought for his life. The tears which never stopped falling increased tenfold as my already shattered heart broke some more. "Why is this happening?"

"We are doing everything we can to keep him alive."

A weak nod was all I could give as I clutched my chest hoping to ease some of the crushing weight pressing against it. "May I see him? Please, I need to see him, please."

She offered a hand to me, and her, with the help of Behzad, helped me to my feet. My body dragged behind the doctor like a rag doll, Behzad's support being the only thing that kept me upright.

"Connor," I breathed. He was hooked up to more machines than I thought possible. His neck was in a brace and he was on a ventilator, the beeping machine the only thing keeping him alive.

I staggered forward gently placing my hand on top of his before pressing a kiss just below the bandages on his pale, sickly forehead. "Hey," my voice cracked, and I cleared my throat, "Do you remember the first time you told me you loved me?"

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