Charged Up

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Let me give you few tips- Magnus has little soft spot on Kayla which means they sometimes get along and sometimes they don't. Also he still doesn't like rescue riders.
Just letting you guys know.

Kayla and Duggard walking outside of the house talking about the twin.

Duggard: so what do you think?

Kayla: I think it good idea Duggard... beside they are already your kids since they are my sister and brother.

As they nodded.

And now they walk to the crowed with targets and see Axel playing with robot dragons and looked fully improved and Magnus was standing and watching also smiling.

Kayla: ugh, again... doesn't he ever stop?

Duggard: you know how he is Kay...

As they nodded.

As Rescue Riders soon showed up and suprise to see Axel and Magnus there even with robot dragon.

As now Kayla can tell that dragons are confused also that robot dragons has powers like others.

Axel: oh, rescue riders. I was hoping you'd show up. Allow me to introduce you to your competition.

Magnus: you mean, replacement....

Kayla: yea, wait till your robot blow up...

As others started laughing as Magnus continued.

Magnus: ( groans ) my latest invention.

Axel: he means our latest invention.

Magnus: no I don't...

As Axel climb down little.

Magnus: my Mechano-Multi-Dragon. As you can see, it has all the powers of well...

As he continues and Kayla lean to Duggard to talk softly.

Kayla: well he dosent really have all except Winger's blast and other one that is most dangerous...

Duggard: oh, can you tell me one?

Kayla: well, I'm not sure if that is real or not, I remember Scar telling me about this dragon is most enemy but he believes this dragon is good... it very rare but it ended thousands years ago..who knows what happen to them...

As they nodded. And Duggard and she walk to rescue riders.

Leyla: ok that pretty impressive.

Duggard: so impressive that no one even noticed. The brand new Haggis statue I unveiled today...

As they look at the statue.

Duggard: crafted it with my own hands. Took me months.

As Leyla smile and look at him so did Kayla.

Duggard: what, being cheif is my job, but sculpting is my passion.

As they turn to Magnus.

Magnus: people of Huttsgalor. I been—-

As he continues again as friend of hers come to her and need her to leave the town for help.

Kayla: Duggard, guys I have to leave since you know.

He nodded.

Kayla left with friend of hers.

Leyla's POV

she always disappearing and almost busy. I heard about special event, but...I just wish she has less time of being busy and hang out more with us.

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