Hated By Life Itself -8-

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For me, i think Ace will atleast have a sucidal thought, because you know that Ace father is Gol D Roger right? Yeah and the people around him tell him that Roger child should of died. And Ace asked Luffy is he is happy if Ace lived and Luffy say yes and i think Ace wanted to cry. Because all his life no one told him that someone need/want him to lived

If you are confused, i am too.

The one who sing it is mafumafu!

Japan lyrics: hated by life itself
English lyrics: hated by life itsef

"Okay! So, this is about the modern AU! This one is more likely about singing a song, but neverless theres gonna be some talking too!" Sania said. "The age is... Ace is 18, Sabo is also 18, and Luffy is... 15!" Sinn explain to them.

"Can you show us yourself?" Luffy ask "now that is a sudden question, but no, you will see us later ok?" Sinn said to Luffy who just nod.

(Sinn: When will you show us to them!?
Me: Later
Sinn: yeah right, one year later probably thats what you meant
Me: hey! I do not! Anyway, go back there!)

The screen light up, showing the front of a school. Then the screen goes to one teenager who is holding a phone on one hand while the other one in his pants pocket. The screen showed what was on the phone screen, and it seems like the teenager are searching for a song. Then there it is, 'Life Hates Us Now' the name of the song.

"Wow... thats a..." Nami trail of trying find the name "u-" Robin wanted to say but got cutted of "do you mean uniqe Nami-San?" Brook ask, he doesn't mean to cut Robin of but the song name is really uniqe and kinda concerring 'what does people make song about in the modern days?' He thoughlessly ask to himself.

"Yes... uniqe" Nami said "are the modern days realy that bad? Making them thought that life hates them?" Nami ask. Sinn are wacthing them amusingly "well... the song is about, where the world are kinda messed up and even if we want to kill ourself, we have to keep on living for the people around us, i think, that is for my opinion" Sinn explain.

"Why are you listening to that?" Sabo ask Ace "ask my modern self" Ace answer sarcasticly "ace! Your wearing shirts!" Luffy said "Lu, what you are saying and what we are saying are not the same" Ace explain to Luffy even thought he knew that everything that goes in his head will come out again.

"Still! You wearing shirts are a rare sight!" Luffy simply said, not caring at what Ace just explain. Everyone around them just slap their own face.

"There you are!" Ace said then he go to his backpack to search for something. And he found it! A headphone, he put it on and connecting the bluetooth on his phone to his headphone.

Then he tap the song and an instrumental can be heard.

"Wait... isn't he listening the music with his headphone thingy?" A marine ask "yes, but i want you guys to hear the song, so i make it so you can hear it too!

The the lyrics come

"Shinitai nante iu na yo akiramenai de ikiro yo"
"Don't say you want to die, Live on without giving up"

Ace starts to walk out to the parking lot.

"Well that escalated quickly" a pirate said

Sonna uta ga tadishii nante bakageteru yo na
How foolish it is to say songs with lyrics like that are corect

Jissai jibun wa shinde mo yokute
In truth, i cloudn't care a bit if i died

"Why wouldn't a preson care if they died?! There are also people around them that's gonna miss him!" Nami exclaimed "calm down Nami-San, it's just a song" Robin said patting Namis head

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