Chapter 33 || Too Good To Be True

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𝐑 𝐎 𝐒 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐄 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

It's always too good to be true.

Whenever things are going well, the universe reminds you to never get too comfortable by throwing a curveball your way. This curveball reminded us that while we may have been getting along and something was happening between us but at the end of the day. He's Roman. I'm Rosalie, and our nature is to argue with one another. Like we did today.

"How's your head this morning?"

Aaron's question was directed at Roman, whose large frame took up the seat next to me at the breakfast place along with the rest of our friends. We decided to get some breakfast before Aaron headed to the airport and the rest of us headed to our classes for the day.

"Better, but still not the best. I'm benched for practice until the doctor clears me." Roman shrugged as his fingers flexed against where his hand rested on my thigh under the table.

"Leave us hanging then, why don't you." Miles grumbled and Cara slapped his shoulder.

"It's called a concussion asshole," Roman retaliated and the rest of us chuckled at their back and forth.

"He's just bitching about the fact he now has to do twice the work." Isaiah smirked, and I shook my head at them before I drank my hot tea. "Where are you off to next, Aaron?"

Aaron leaned back in his seat. "Back home actually, a lot of my clients are based in LA, and that's where my office is."

"Can you not stay longer? I never see you." I pouted, and he smiled sadly before he shook his head.

"Sorry Ro-Ro, work never stops," Aaron called me by the nickname he gave me when we were kids.

"Ro-Ro?" Miles questioned, with amusement on his face.

"Apparently, when Aaron was three and my mum was pregnant with me, they had my name picked out and called it me. But Aaron couldn't pronounce it properly so he said Ro-Ro. Our parents told us that when we were a bit older and now, he still calls me that." I smiled at the fond memory.

"Not my finest hour." Aaron shook his head, and I chuckled. Our food arrived and for the next hour, we all spent the time eating and talking. Once our food was gone and the check was paid, we all made our way outside. Since the rest of us had class, Miles and Cara offered to drive Aaron to the airport. "Come here."

Aaron held his arms out, and I wrapped my arms around him for a hug. "I'll see you soon."

We pulled back, and Aaron said goodbye to everyone before he looked at Roman. "Take care of her, yeah?"

I scoffed. "Excuse me. I'm a grown ass woman who can take care of herself."

Everyone snickered, and Aaron looked at Roman once more. "I should be telling you good luck."

"I'll need it," Roman replied, and my jaw drooped.

"I hate you both," I grumbled before Aaron hugged me once more and got into the car as we waved him off.

"Your brother is cool," Isaiah commented, and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, what happened to you?" Roman smirked, and I slapped his arm repeatedly as he laughed. "Come on, we have to get to class."


"You're doing it wrong."

I huffed. "I am not!"

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