Chapter 1 || Fuck You, Roman King

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𝐑 𝐎 𝐒 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐄 ' 𝐒    𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫...


Sweet, sweet revenge.

It comes in different forms and always comes when you least expect it. Something Roman is about to find out.

As confident as ever, his broad frame gained from years of playing ice hockey leans against one of the lab benches in the center of the room. His stance draws the eyes of every female in the room to his muscles that flex against the t-shirt and clings to his bulging biceps as he flirts with a girl in our class. Cassie.

The so-called panty dropping smile plays on his lips as she stares at him with hearts in her eyes.

Some people would call it attractive. I would rather punch his teeth out after seeing him reuse the same tactics time and time again on different women. Running his hand through his sandy blonde hair, he then pushes the glasses that are perched on the middle of his nose further up. As if they belong there all the time, rather than when he doesn't wear his contacts.

A smirk rests on my nude-stained full lips as I observe from the doorway of the biochemistry laboratory. My books are pressed against my sweater covered chest, and my cream boot heels are a contrast to my dark washed tight jeans, tapping against the wooden floor as I formulate my master plan.

He reaches his hand forward to move some of her hair behind her ear, a giggle tumbling from her lips as he does so. Rolling my eyes at his blatant flirting, something I've become used to seeing over the past few years, I go over the steps he always uses.

The typical tucking of the hair, the playing with the girls' fingertips, the smoldering look. Hook, line, and sinker. Wrinkling my nose as she falls under his spell and places her hand over to the top of his, I can't help as a scoff escapes my lips at how she fell for that.

Someone clears their throat next to me. A fellow student who has walked through the door has a raised eyebrow at my reaction to the scene occurring in the middle of the room, before he shakes his head and makes his way to his own lab desk.

Adjusting my posture and standing up straight, I plaster a sweet smile onto my face before strutting away from the doorway and into the lab. My boots click against the floor as I maneuver around the lab desks, making my way over to Roman and Cassie.

Payback is a bitch, Roman.

Cassie's eyes flicker away from Roman and to me. Her lips pursing as she sees me, getting Roman's attention to follow hers. His eyes land on me and his eyebrow raises in a questioning glance at the sweet smile plastered on my lips, something he's not used to seeing. His stance tenses as if preparing for battle. Not as relaxed and content as he was moments ago. Perfect.


Scowling at Roman as the annoying nickname he has called me ever since freshman year rolls off his lips without challenge, the girl snickers. Even though she does not know why he calls me Hollywood. Oh Roman, you have no idea what is about to hit you.

"Figure skater."

Roman's jaw clenches at the term, which then brings a prideful look to my face. The term my dad uses to describe hockey players, from a feud that took place when he was in university, came in handy when I met Roman.

Hockey is more than guys skating around the ice. It's a rough sport that requires a lot of skill and talent. But I'd never tell Roman that. In fact, I compare him to a figure skater to get under his skin. It works every single time.

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