Chapter 18 || Is That The Fire Alarm?

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𝐑 𝐎 𝐒 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐄 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

I regret calling my parents as I walk through campus when it's the winter months in Boston.

The cold air chips away at my exposed hand that holds up the phone to my ear. My woolly hat covers the tips of my ears, the scarf covers my neck and the only exposed parts of me are my face and now my one hand that isn't shoved into my coat pocket.

I also regret not buying a pair of gloves when I moved here. As my feet crunch against the layer of fallen snow on the ground of campus, my eyes flicker around my surroundings. Everyone is as bundled up as I am, hurrying across campus to get to their classes for the warmth of the buildings.

"What are you and Cara doing for Thanksgiving?" Mom's voice comes through the phone with a curious undertone to her voice.

Every year since starting at Boston University, I have never been home for Thanksgiving. Between the expense it costs for flights, the length of the flight and the fact we only get four days, it's hard to take the trip home for it. So, instead I head home for Christmas and Cara, and I usually spend Thanksgiving together.

"I'm not sure yet. Cara isn't going home for Thanksgiving either this year, so we might just spend it at the apartment and have friends giving," I explain, dodging some students as I make my way to my last class of the day.

"Well, if someone would accept the money for a flight home. You'd be able to spend it with your family," I hear dad comment and I roll my eyes at the incentive he offers me every year.

I sigh. "I'm not taking your money, dad."

Hearing him grumble on the other end of the phone, I hear mom shush him before she speaks up. "I'm sure whatever you and Cara do will be fun. We will miss you down here, but it just means the twins will be super excited to see you at Christmas."

"At least Aaron will be home for Thanksgiving with you," I remind her as my eyes lock onto my building. I sigh in relief that I am about to be covered in warmth as soon as I enter.

"Your father is already getting prepared for the annual football game, him, Lucas, and Aaron watch together." Mom laughs and I can't help but shake my head at the tradition.

"Now I feel bad I'm leaving you all alone with them. At least you'll have Millie to dote on," I say before a loud crash resounds on the other side of the phone. "What was that?"

A commotion occurs on the other side of the phone before I hear a familiar voice. "Ava cakes!"

I laugh and shake my head at my Uncle Dylan's voice before listening to my mom's reply. "Dylan, how many times have I told you? You cannot ride that mini motorbike we got Lucas into my house!"

"Then you shouldn't leave it on the drive," He replies. "Who are you on the phone to?"

"My daughter, say hi to your idiot uncle Rosalie," Mom states, and I can't help but laugh.

"Hi Uncle Dylan," I greet as I switch the ear I hold my phone too so I can place my now frozen hand into my jacket.

"Ro-Ro! How's my biochemistry mini me doing?" Uncle Dylan asks.

Weaving my way through a herd of students who have come out of the building I'm about to head into, I reply. "I'm doing good Uncle Dylan."

"You know I still haven't received a thank you card for getting you into biochem," He offers, and my eyes widen.

"Oh, give it a rest. If I have to hear one more time, you're the reason she chose that major, we'll head to the field, and I'll throw a ball at your head. Retired or not," Dad's voice comes through.

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