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CASSIE's POV... back to present day

I continue watching Kie, staring at Rafe intensely. What is on her mind?

"Rafe." I say and her head shakes a little, snapping her out of the zone.

He looks to me with his head tilted upward a little.

"Let's go for a walk or something." I say and he nods.

He stands up and moves across the living room. I look at Kie to see if her eyes follow him, but they don't.

When we get outside Rafe immediately reaches for my hand and squeezes it tight.

"Are you happy that she apologized?" He asks.

"Do you really believe her?" I ask.

"Kinda, I don't think she would lie about it."

"You obviously don't know Kie then. She will lie if it benefits her in any way." I say.

"Just try and trust her. You guys are friends, I don't think she will hurt you again."

"Let's hope you're right." I sigh. "She was really starting to piss me off."

"I know. I'm glad you can defend yourself though." He says and I grin.

"You like strong girls." I joke.

"I will admit, watching you fight her yesterday was pretty hot." He says and I chuckle.

"Maybe I should get into more fights?"

"No. You need to stay safe."

"You'd be surprised to hear how many fights I have been into."

"I've seen a few." He says.

"Oh really? Which ones."

"Lila, Jenny, Mikayla and Mark."

"Oh yeah, I've beat up Mark a few times." I say and he chuckles.

"Me too." He says. Now that I'm not surprised by.

We walk along the shoreline in silence for a little bit. Hearing the movement in the water makes me feel at peace, a feeling I haven't felt in a little while.

"Did you hear that Topper is having a party tonight?" Rafe asks.

"No I didn't. Are you going?" I ask.

"If you are."

"I will go." I shrug. Parties with Kooks haven't been so horrible since I've been with Rafe. I guess everyone knows not to fuck with me unless they want trouble.

"Okay." He nods.


I pull my tank top down over my bikini to finish my look. Apparently Toppers party tonight is a pool party.

Everyone is going to the party tonight besides Pope and I don't like the idea of that. Pope is the most sensible in the group, he keeps us all safe and as sober as possible. We never listen but it's nice knowing he's around just in case.

Kie walks out of her room wearing a bathing suit that I have never seen before. She doesn't make eye contact, she just prances around the living room waiting for me to make a comment.

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Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now