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It only takes me another two hours to be up on the bench practically stripping my clothes off. Apparently I like to do that when I hear a good song. Kie is cheering me on but JJ is trying to stop me.

"Cass get down." John B says.

"Shut up John B, I'm feeling myself." I say and Kie giggles.

I close my eyes and let the music take over my body. I know I'm getting a good reaction from the crowd, because all of the guys want me, not to sound full of myself but it's true. I don't give them the attention they want though, I can't say that any of them are my type.

I feel someone's arms grab ahold of my waist and pull me down from the bench. I kick because in front of me I see JJ, John B and Pope, who's doing this? I look down at the muscular hands before I'm placed on the ground.

"Hey let her go." JJ shouts and I turn around. Rafe.

"Shouldn't let your friend here dance around like a little slut." Rafe says and I scrunch my nose. I am not a slut, I just like to dance like one.

"Why do you even care." I say crossing my arms. I can feel my body tipping to the side and Rafe quickly grabs my arm.

"Because you're loaded Cassie. You should sit down." Rafe says.

"Oh since when did you care about my well-being." I slur as he walks me closer to the bench I was just dancing on.

"Just shut up and sit down." He says giving me a small nudge.

"We got it from here Rafe." Sarah says and pushes Rafe out of the way.

I watch Rafe walk back to his friends.

"That was weird." Sarah says as she sits beside me.

"I know." I nod.

"I have never seen him show any interest in you." She says. "Maybe he likes you."

I burst out laughing, probably drawing a lot of attention to us because when I drink, I laugh uncontrollably. Rafe liking me? That is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. I am Rafe Cameron's biggest enemy and I truly don't know why, other than the fact that I'm a pogue.

*** RAFES POV ***

Topper and Kelce are snickering when I walk toward them and I know exactly why.

"Well that was very nice of you." Topper laughed.

"Yeah, but you ruined the show, we were enjoying it." Kelce says and slaps Topper across the chest, earning another chuckle from Topper.

"Shut up." I huff and light a cigarette. I put it to my mouth and take a long haul.

"Why won't you admit that you want her dude." Topper says.

"I don't want her, she's a little brat. Plus she's a pogue." I roll my eyes. My heart weirdly stings as the words come out of my mouth.

"Of course she is but she's still hot." Kelce says and Topper nods in agreement.

"Whatever." I say and walk away from the boys.


"I think it's time we head home." John B says to Sarah.

"Kie, Cassie, do you want to stay at my place? It's closer." Sarah says and I throw my thumb up to her. The less walking I have to do the better.

"Let's get going." Sarah says. John B grabs her hand and Pope puts his arm around Kie. I stagger behind them until JJ runs up to me and helps me stay steady.

"Someone had too much to drink." JJ says but I don't respond. I feel like shutting my eyes and let him drag me all the way to Sarah's.

Once we get to Sarah's, I notice Toppers vehicle parked in the driveway, meaning Rafe is already home. Ward and Rose are gone for the weekend which I am grateful for, they don't need to see me like this.

"I can go to the bathroom alone." I say and yank JJ's arm off mine. I shut the bathroom door and slowly fall to the floor. It was cold and felt nice on my face.

"We're gone to bed Cass, yell if you need anything!" Sarah shouts from the other side of the door.

"Okay." I attempt to say, but I don't know if she understood or not.

I close my eyes and let my mind wander for a little bit. I debate whether or not I should stay on the floor all night, but I don't really want anybody stepping over me to get to the toilet to throw up.

I try getting up but I don't have the energy to pull myself up.

"Help." I say. No response. "Help!" I shout a little louder. I near movement from the room next door. I try to think of who's room that is but I can't even think straight.

"I can't open the door, it's locked." A voice says from outside.

"I can't get up." I say. I hear a loud huff and maybe the words fuck sakes, then footsteps walking away from the door. Minutes later I hear the door knob rattling.

"Cassie, what the fuck are you doing?" The person says.

"What does it look like?" I say and I hear 'Smart ass' being said underneath their breath.

"Give me your arms." He says and I lift my arms up as high as I can and I'm quickly lifted to my feet. My face is close to whoever this person is, just touching the bare skin of their chest.

When I look up I notice the hair. Rafe. I quickly back away but almost fall backwards again.

"Jesus Cassie, let me take you to bed okay." Rafe says. He practically carries me out of the bathroom but I don't argue or fight. I don't know if I would make two steps out of the bathroom myself.

The house is dark and I don't know my way around yet so I am not sure which bed I was just thrown on.

"Can you take my clothes off." I say and Rafe stays quiet.

"Hello? I can't sleep with this on, please just take it off. It won't be weird." I say and he comes closer to the bed.

I feel his hands fiddling to unhook my shorts and my body shivers. I can tell by the little sound he made that he's smirking. He knows what he's doing. He slides my shorts down over my legs slowly. He grabs my hands and lifts my back off the bed,

"Can you stay sat up for one second." He says and I nod. He grabs ahold of the end of my tank top and lifts it over my head.

"Um, bra too?" I almost whisper and he wraps his hands around my back to unclip the bra. I quickly lay back down and cover myself up.

"Thank you." I say and cuddle up in the pillow. The scent puts me to sleep almost right away, not knowing if Rafe even left the room or not.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now