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"Are you guys excited for tonight?" Pope asks.

Just the five of us are sitting on the dock outside my house. I love Sarah but sometimes it's nice to just hang out with the original group.

"I am." John B nods.

I stay quiet. I don't really know how I'm feeling about tonight. I've always despised midsummers, seeing all the rich gathering together to celebrate their wealth while people like us are sitting on the sidelines begging for a helping hand.

"I feel like people are going to talk a lot about Rafe and I." I say.

"They probably will. It happened all the time with me and Sarah but you'll learn to ignore it." John B says.

"You'll look too pretty for anyone to say a bad thing about you." Kie says.

"Thank you." I smile.

Yesterday Pope had a chat with Kie but he never told me any details. She has been acting her normal self again but she also haven't seen Rafe and I together since so that could change again tonight.

"Kie, you still haven't showed me your dress." I say.

"I don't think I'm going." She says.

"What?" Everyone says together.

"I thought we were going together?" JJ says. "As a group."

"I just don't feel down for it." She shrugs.

"Kie, you have to come." Pope says.

"My parents are going to be there, it's so weird seeing them." She whines.

"Kie. This have never bothered you before, why tonight?" I say.

I know exactly why. She doesn't want to see Rafe and I together. She was so excited about it until she found out I was going.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "You guys can have fun without me."

"No Kie, you're coming with us, pogues for life man." JJ says.

"Fine." She huffs. "But I'll leave when I want to."

"Deal." John B says.

I drink the last sip of my drink and crush the can.

"I'm going to pack my things, I'm going to Rafe's to get ready." I say. "Kie, you want to help me?"

"Sure." She nods and chugs the last of her drink as well.

We both walk quietly to the house, I try to find words to say but my mind keeps telling me to ask her about Rafe but I don't want to do it. Knowing what I know now is too much information.

"So what are you going to wear then?" I ask when we get inside.

"I don't have my own dress, I think I might wear something my mom owned." She says.

"Okay." I nod. "I'm sure whatever you wear will look nice."

"Thank you." She says.

I walk into my room and start packing the little amount of makeup I own into a small bag. I
throw in a brush, curling iron and extra clothes for the morning into the bag as well.

"I guess you'll be staying at Sarah's tonight." Kie says.

"Yeah." I nod. "How about you guys?"

"Not sure, wherever the night takes us." She shrugs and I nod.

"Well text me when you're at the place you're staying so I know everything is okay."

"I will."

She stands quiet and awkwardly in the room while I gather a few more things.

"So what time is Rafe picking you up?"

"Probably ten minutes or so, why?" I ask.

"Just wondering." She says.

"Okay." I say and shake my head a little.

I wish Rafe would get here sooner so I can get out of this awkward situation. I finish packing everything I need in my bag and take my dress out of the closet. Kie still stays quiet, watching every move I make.

When I hear Rafe's truck pull up I feel a rush of happiness. I rush out of the house, not even saying goodbye to Kie.

I lay my dress in the backseat and hop in the front. Rafe backs quickly down the driveway and onto the dirt road leading to his house.

"Excited?" Rafe asks.

"Yeah kinda." I shrug.

"You'll have fun, I promise." He says and I smile.

When we get to Rafe's house Sarah greets us and her and I chat for a little bit about our dresses and hair and makeup. Rafe continues on without bothering to stay and listen, and I don't blame him, I'm not really into makeup either but I have to wear at least a little bit tonight.

Once Sarah becomes distracted I head upstairs to the guest bedroom to get ready. I already gave Rafe his warning to leave me alone until I finish getting ready because he's a big distraction and I also don't want him to see me until I'm fully done up.

I close the door and lock it behind me. I lay my dress on the bed and pick through my bag to gather all of my makeup.

I sit on the floor in front of the large full body mirror standing in the middle of the room. I spread each product out and wonder where to begin... I think foundation?

I rub a bit of moisturizer on my face before applying a light amount of foundation, then concealer, blush, highlight and then lipstick. I brush my eyebrows up and fill in some of the lighter spots, then to finish, I put on some mascara. I'm not sure if I did that in the right order, or used the products in the right spot but to me it looks alright on my face. Half of the products were gifts from Sarah, I would only have mascara if it wasn't for her.

I sit and wait for my curling iron to heat up. From across the hall I can hear Rafe puttering around in his room. I can't wait to see him all dressed up.

I wrap my hair around the wand, feeling happy that every piece is falling to perfection. I spray it a little and fluff it up to my liking. I look at myself and feel like a completely different person.

I remove my dress from the bag carefully, then slide it over my body. I zip up the side and look in the mirror to make sure everything is okay. I smile to myself, I haven't felt this pretty before.

"You look beautiful." Rafe's voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see him leaning against the door frame with his thumb on his bottom lip.

"How did you get in?" I laugh.

He holds up a key in his other hand.

"Fuck I'd say we skip the party and have our own in here." He says, his voice getting deeper.

I take a second to admire him in his all black suit, his hair messy and parted down the middle. He looks at me with a smirk, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

This is going to be an interesting night.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now