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A few months later.

"This suits me, don't you think?" You state, fixing the suit you wore while you stared at it in the mirror. "Love, I've told you this a thousand times, every suit you picked looks nice" Pietro replies, standing up from the chair he sat on. "I know, but I'm just making sure that You like them" you respond, facing him.

"Well, if I were to choose, I'd prefer that you wear nothing" he states, smirking as he places his hands on your waist. "Stop~" you reply, slapping his chest and pushing him away. "Anyway, did you already pick one?" You ask, taking off the suit. "Yeah, but I have an idea" he replies. "Really, what is it" you ask once more. "I was thinking we switch it up, I wear your suit, and you wear mine" he replies, handing you his dark blue and white suit with hints of black. You scoff and take the suit. "That's not a bad idea" you reply, hanging it on the hook near the mirror while you took of the current suit that you wore.

"Let me try on your suit" he states, smiling. "Yeah sure" you reply, walking away. "Now" he states, "You're already wearing it love" you reply, fixing his suit and wearing it right after. "I forgot you could do that" he states once more as he walks over to the mirror to look at himself.

You were too lazy to wear everything all over again, so you just warped the suit on you like you did with Pietro.

"You look nice in black and gold" You state, tilting your head a little to the left and dusting his shoulder. "I could say the same but it wouldn't be enough to describe how amazing you look in that suit" he replies, smiling softly. "Save it for tomorrow love" You reply, placing your hand on his cheek.


"Do you, Y/n L/n, take Pietro Maximoff, as your beloved husband, and promise to stay with him through thick and thin." Thor asks, "I do" you reply, your heart getting warmer as things moved forward.

"And do you, Pietro Maximoff, take Y/n L/n as your one and only husband, and promise to stay till the end of his days" Thor asks once more. "I do" he replies. "It has been done, you may now, kiss the groom" Thor finally states.

And just like that, Pietro quickly moved forward and gave you a kiss you knew would be engraved in your memories. People in the background cheering. Your parents being the most supportive out of the group. Cheering and yelling. Your dad was at least.

"THATS MY SON!!!" He yells towards Steve. "I know that Mr. Stephen, no need to tell me" Steve replies, giggling. Everyone wore either a dress or a suit. They were given a choice to pick between your suit's color scheme, or Pietro's. Fortunately, it was evened out, half of them went in black and gold, and the other half went with Dark blue and white.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" They shout in happiness, rocket and Groot showering the path you walked on with petals.

"Everyone ready?" You shout. Everyone looked at you in confusion. You chuckle and snap your fingers, warping everyone to Tony's private island which he prepared for your wedding.

While the smoke cleared, it revealed a few tables on the sand, covered by a wide roof, keeping it shady underneath. "Well, well, the party has arrived" Tony states as a bunch of his suits start serving people with plates and cutlery.

"You and I, have somewhere to be" you say to Pietro with a smirk. "Take me away" he replies. You chuckle, "Loki give me back my husband" you state as you place your hands on your waist.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now