Him and his Pranks

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You woke up from your slumber, and you noticed that the sun wasn't up and shining through your blinds, you looked at your alarm clock, and it clearly said "4:08 a.m." with it's bright but subtle red outlined numbers glaring at you.

In a tired and raspy voice, you mumbled, "Damn, I must've dosed off while working." As you stared at the desk filled with papers and files of people who needed to be dealt with, you worked as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, it pays pretty well, but it came at a cost, missions, and files, and planning we're usually what you did with the avengers.


"Shit, I'm about to be late" you said more calmly than what a normal person would react to being late, it didn't bother you, since you had an apartment near the Starks Industries tower, it was only a 5 minute walk. As you walked out the door, you see the mail man dropping off some mail, "Hey (Y/N)!, How you doin'?", He said in a joyful voice as he saw you, you replied with "Hey!, John, been great dude, woke up a little to early today though." You said the last part of the sentence as if it was bothering you, you yourself did not know why you woke up earlier than you regularly did. John replied with "Ah, bet it's because you've been tryna impress someone at work, with all em' files being done and passed at the same day, huh?", "Pffttt, me? Impress someone? Please john, I don't compete."
You replied, and John almost instantly replied with "Oh hey, you got a new one for today, it's from uh, Pietro. Pietro Maximoff?" You were surprised at his sentence, Pietro?, Since when did he start sending you mail?, It's probably one of his pranks again, probably a picture of a silly face he made, you thought to yourself, "Oh?", You gently took the letter from John's hands and bid your goodbyes to each other, as he still had to deliver your neighborhoods mail. And your journey to the tower began.


Half way through the walk, you took the letter out of your backpack as you walked, and you thought about what could possibly be in it, in your head, you still thought it was one of his pranks, and decided not to open it till you got home. You reached the tower just in time, Steve passed you by and greeted you with a joyful tone and smile on his face "Good morning, (Y/N)!", "Hey, Steve!, Lookin' good." You said and pointed at him, he blushed and looked down and shakes his head. You went in the elevator and had pressed the 30th button.

the doors were about to close leaving only a small gap, barley enough to fit a person, when you felt a blast of wind in front of you, not wondering what it was, you ignored it. Then you heard a voice behind you "Hey.", You jumped at the sound of the voice thinking you were going to see a ghost behind you, "HOLY SHIT!" You yelled. It was Pietro, he was giggling at your reaction to his words, "Dont do that, c'mon you know I scare easily" but then it hit you, "Wait, OHHH, so that's why there was a gust of wind earlier, you sped in here didn't you", Pietro chuckled once again, and then spoke with his Sokovian accent sounding so smooth, like it was music to your ears, he said "It's only me (Y/N), and you know I have super speed.", "Well the door was open at the lower floor, I thought it was just wind.", You replied, it caused Pietro to look at you, to check if you were..."Are you high" Pietro suddenly said, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Why would you think I'm high?", "Your eyes look heavy", he responded, and you remember that you were up all night doing work, "I was-",
"Smoking pot?" The silver haired man chuckled, "Wha- I- I DONT SMOKE WEED!", you were staring at him with anger as he laughed, but his smile made your heart suddenly go warm, it felt so nice, seeing him smile with his stubble, and eating his candy, it brought a nice warmth toward you, and you suddenly felt your anger fading away. Then the elevator bell rang, indicating it was the 30th floor.

It was now 12 p.m., and it was time for lunch, you headed down to the kitchen to make some food. As you went down, you saw Clint, Natasha, and Steve at the table eating their lunches, "Hey, look who decided to come down", Clint said with a smile, "You're not the only one who gets hungry" you said with a giggle, Natasha and Steve laughed along, then you felt another gust of wind behind you, you almost fell because of a shoulder hitting you, "Uh-" you muttered out as you were falling, but you felt a pair of arms catch you mid fall, it was yet again Pietro, he smiled at you and said, "We meet again.",
"Pietro I work in the same building you live in, of course we'd meet again", he chuckled and let you get on your feet as he sped through the kitchen to the fridge and get a glass of orange juice from the carton, you decided to make a sandwich to suffice your hunger, as you had a heavy breakfast, then he shot the question, "Hey, (Y/N), did you get the letter I sent you?", Your face turned towards him, as you said "Oh yeah, got it this morning, I kept it in my bag, why? Is it another one of your pranks again?", You said with a playful smile on your face teasing him, he replied with "What,  no, open it" he said, drinking his orange juice with a smile, the smile that made your heart melt
You looked at the time it was now 12:30,
You and Pietro decided to go to your desk and open up the letter, "This better not be one of those pop up surprise letters", you said with a stern voice, Pietro chuckled, and replied with a smile "It's not, I promise." Putting a hand on your shoulder, his hand felt warm, even though you thought they'd be cold with all the wind he gets when he runs, you blushed at the contact and turned to face your shoes, the door of the elevator then opened with a smooth motion.

"Alright, were here.", You said as you arrived at your office, "Open it", Pietro said using that smile again, all you could do was feel butterflies in your stomach as you stared at him and it made you smile as well, you took the letter out of your bag and opened the it with a blade from your pockets, you took out the hand written note and read it, it said

"Hey, (Y/n), I was wondering if you'd like to come over tomorrow night at 8p.m. we could hang out and watch movies, play games, anything really."

You blushed after reading the letter, out of all the people here, you, yes YOU, were the one Pietro decided to invite you to hang out with him, "So, what do you say?, Do you accept?", You blushed at Pietro, trying to hide your red face, you tried to calm your senses and tell yourself, we're just gonna hang out, calm down, it's nothing serious, calm down. After calming your senses, you replied with a "Yeah, I'll gladly go" with a smile and putting the letter back in your backpack, Pietro's smile grew bigger as he heard your reply to his letter, he was like a kid getting his present on a Christmas day, "Really?", He asked with a smile and widened eyes, "Yeah, of course." You replied, and Pietro decided to lean away from your door and said "You wont regret it, I promise." As he sped through the hallways to his room in the tower.

You went home by 6:30p.m., you walked home happily as you thought to yourself, I just got invited to hang out with Pietro..HOLY SHIT I GOTTA PREPARE!"

Hey guys hehe, this is my first book, so I hope you guys enjoy it, cause I thought I wasn't seeing enough of pietro anywhere, hope you guys like it!, Tell me what you think.

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