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"You ready yet, Pietro?" You asked, waiting for his response. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second".

He walked out wearing a white long sleeve, black slacks, and brown leather shoes, underneath a coat. "So, how do I look" you looked at him in awe, he looked amazing, handsome, perfect.

"Well damn, you look better than I do" you replied. You wore a white long sleeve, black suspenders, a gray jacket that hanged on your shoulder, black slacks, and black shoes, you purposely opened the top 2 buttons of your long sleeve cause it was tight.

"Yeah right" Pietro stated, you two chuckled and Pietro checked you up and down, "You look great" he stated once more. "Let's get goin' then" you stated as you grabbed onto his shoulder and warped to the restaurant.

"Hey, we have a table reserved for uh, I think Tony reserved it, Tony Stark?" You stated as the waiter looked down on the list and checked for your names.

"Names, sir" he replied, "Oh, uh, Pietro Maximoff and Y/n L/n" you replied.

"This way sir" he guided you into a large table, big enough to fit the whole team. You sat beside Pietro and held his hand under the table. "Nervous?" You asked him, "Kind of, I haven't had a meal with most of them since I joined, it's just me, you, and Wanda" he replied.

"Aw, it's gonna be fine, it's just dinner, nothing to be nervous about" you stated as you left a kiss on his cheek. Just as your lips parted from his cheek you heard whispers

"Look at those two, disgusting"

"What a waste of a pretty face"

You turned around to see who it was, it was a group of male friends on a table, obviously spending daddy's money to flex on his friends. You gave them a look and they taunted you back. You were pissed. You warped the 4 of their glasses just above their members and their drinks spilled, they all stood up, you could see the dark liquid stain on their black slacks.

"Someone forgot to use the bathroom" you chuckled as everyone looked at their situation and giggled. They were embarrassed and tried to grab you. One of them decided to grab your collar, boy was that a grave mistake. The second you felt his arm you warped him into the middle of the ocean. The other 3 were shocked.

"Where the fuck is he" one of them stated, "He went for a swim. In the ocean. If you three don't want to end up getting eaten by a 60-foot shark, I suggest you mind your own business, eh?"

They took a few steps back as you stood, hands in your pockets, and slowly walked in their direction.

"Y-yes, sir" the three of them stated, "Good", you snapped your fingers and the smoke started to appear again, revealing a male in a suit drenched in water as he panted for breath.

"Get the fuck out of here" you stated. They ran out of the door into who knows what sports car bullshit they drove. Everyone clapped at you for handling the situation so calmly. A waiter came by and offered you something

"A bottle sir", he offered a fresh bottle of unopened wine, "Oh no, we don't have our friends yet" you stated, Pietro didn't even talk, he was just smiling at you. "It's for you to take home sir, many of our guests have been complaining about those...men, this is thanks for handling them".

You were in awe, you got a free bottle of wine for fuck's sake. "Oh, thank you" you gently took the bottle and placed it under your chair, you looked at Pietro and mouthed the words, "We have something to drink at home now", he giggled, and you smiled at him.

As a few minutes pass by, you had a small talk with Pietro now and then when you got bored, most of the time you just stared at how he would look around and smile at him. He always had a charm to his face that made you smile even if he wasn't trying to.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now