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As he went in to take his shower, You went out to get a small tub of ice cream for the both of you. You knew he was going to want it after staying in bed with you all day. Instead of warping you decided to walk.

You went out of the door, locked it, and walked down the 2 flights of stairs. You took a left into a glass door into the dining area.

"Hey, you guys have those small pints of ice cream, like the ben and jerry's ice cream type stuff" you asked, the person on the other side went down and took out their available flavors.

"I'll take one strawberry and one vanilla" you stated and took out your wallet to pay. You grabbed the bag that contained the 2 pints of ice cream.

Then your phone vibrated. You took it out and saw the caller id with the picture. It was Pietro, why was he calling? You didn't know, you swiped to the right and answered the call.

"Hey, what's up"






You warped to the room and searched for Pietro, you saw him on the bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS MISSING" you asked, "You. You're supposed to be here, with me." He stated in a playful tone. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Pietro, I thought our bags were stolen or something" he giggled and looked towards the plastic bag you were holding. "What's that" he asked, pointing to it. "Ice cream, I went down to buy some for the two of us, if you weren't so impatient you would've known about it when I got here" you replied and walked to the mini-fridge and placed the 2 pints in the back.

As you stood back up, you saw Pietro's arms open, he couldn't wait for you to go in. So you rolled your eyes and walked towards the silver-haired man. He was shirtless, hair still damp, wearing only underwear and shorts. You laid beside him and he put his arm around you. And so the day of watching movies and eating all day came to a start.


It was now lunch and you hadn't moved away from Pietro at all, you've been watching movies with him, eating the ice cream you got for the two of you, you had the vanilla while he had the strawberry. While you two ate away, he held the pint on the hand around your shoulder, holding the spoon in the other. While he was trying to scoop a spoon full, he smudged your face a little with his ice cream.

"I- I didn't mean to, I swear-" he stated, but you cut him off by smudging a spoon of ice cream on his lips. You giggled as the silver-haired man tried to talk. "I meant that one" you giggled, leaned in, and cleaned the ice cream from his lips. He giggled and leaned onto your cheek to kiss away the smudge of ice cream he left on your cheek, you looked at him and cupped his face. You gave him another kiss, a soft and affectionate kiss. Neither of you wanted to part. But alas, you had to part for air.

"Can I...have another" he stated with a sight blush on his face. You giggled and gave him the kiss he asked for.


"I think I've kissed you more than enough, Pietro", you stated with a giggle. After the kiss you gave him, he kept asking for more. To the point where the movie was already finished and you didn't even get to see most of it, and your ice cream has ready melted.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now