Chapter 13

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I Lost Her

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

I was in the ice cream shop flirting with a girl while Annie ordered some ice cream for Hope. Even though I was flirting with someone else I kept glancing over at Annie. Although, she didn't turn towards my direction once.

The girl I started to flirt with got annoying so I went over at the table with Annie and Hope. "Who is that girl daddy" Hope asked while putting ice cream all over her mouth. "Just a very pretty girl" I responded back in hopes of making Annie jealous, but she didn't seem bothered at all.

"Who are you texting" I muttered looking down at Annies phone. But as soon as she noticed I was peeking, she shut her phone. "No one" she blurted out cautiously while putting down her phone. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "It's Harry isn't it" I muttered in anger, still avoiding eye contact with her.

"Is that mommy's boyfriend" Hope butted in. I slightly smile at Hopes clueless face. "He's not my boyfriend" I replied back, knowing that Johnny was going to snap any minute. I don't appreciate how Johnny thinks he can just have sex with ten different girls everyday but get angry when I sleep with one guy. But he was a Mafia leader so I didn't expect any less from him.

"We should go" Johnny mumbled while getting up. I looked at him eyeing a guy. They were both giving each other glares "get Hope in the car now!" Johnny declared while pulling out a knife and holding it firmly in the palm of his hands.


Before Hope could ask— or say anything I picked her up and raced to the car. It wasn't long before Johnny came in and we speeded off. "My ice cream!!" Hope screamed in sadness. I took a deep breath as I handed her the ice cream. It was in a medium size come considering that Hope can't eat an ice cream cone.

"Who was that" I questioned looking over at Johnny concerned. "What the fuck do you think?!!" Johnny yelled in anger, while speeding through ever car on the road. Let's just say there was a lot of horns.

Hope started to cry at Johnnys rage. I watched him take a deep breath before hoping his mouth again "I'm sorry princess, I just have a lot on my mind"

I rolled my eyes and buried her head into my chest as she slowly stopped crying "stop swearing around her!" I muttered annoyed at the fact that he can't control himself. It scares me, I know he won't intentionally hurt Hope but his anger could get out of hand.

A few minutes later he parked his car into the garage. I grabbed Hope and got out of the car, only to see Harry standing at the door "are you okay?" He questioned while staring at me with the most adorable eyes. I tried to hide my blushing but I'm guessing it was obvious considering the look on Johnnys face "I'm fine" I reassured him while walking into the mansion.

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

Going to Coles stupid house made matters even worse. Annie slept with Harry and now they can't get enough of each other!

I should of been focusing on the mafia gang who tried to assassinate me, and how they knew where we were. But my mind was on Annie. Cole was right, she was making me weak, but if I get rid of her, I'd end up hurting myself even more....and I could never do that to Hope.

I should know better than anyone how it feels to have your father murder your mother right in front your eyes. I was just a four year old kid, but yet been through more then people had been in there whole lives.

"Do you know who did it" Annie asked, standing in front of my office door. I put my pen down and laid back in my chair sighing. "No" I say.

"Let me help you catch that son of a bitch" Annie muttered as I looked at her in a confused way. Since when did Annie become— this? "What? He could of killed Hope!" She added, reassuring my confusion.

"He will be back. Therefore, you and Hope cannot go out until it is safe" I blurted out, opening my lap top. "You mean just Hope" she argued. I sighed once again "No. I mean you too" I muttered, annoyed at the fact she argues with everything I say


I took a deep breath, still annoyed. And I'm sure she could tell. "You'll be with Harry! Isn't that what you want?!" I raised my tone, letting her know that I couldn't deal with this anymore. However, she did not get the hint considering that she opened her mouth again. I rolled my eyes before she could say a word

"I think Harry's adorable but I do not have feelings for him" she muttered back. I chuckled sarcastically "you fucked him" I added trying to control myself from snapping at her again.

"Because you had sex with other girls!!" She said raising her tone at me. "And Harry was obviously using me to make Lauren jealous" she added, calming down and taking a step back.

"What about all the lovie dovie stuff you guys do?" I questioned, completely forgetting that my laptop was on. However she didn't answer. I watched, waiting for her to, but she just stayed silent.

The room was silent for a couple of minutes until she finally broke it "I umm think he's working for Hayden"

I jumped up from my chair "what!!". There's no way Harry would do that to me. He's been my favourite guard since I was 13. "How do you know this" I muttered, debating if Annie was the mole in my mafia because I didn't want to believe it was Harry. "I've seen them talk to talk to each other. I thought you and Hayden we're starting to work things out but when I came here I found out you still despise him, so when I got the chance to get close to him I did"

I looked at her in shock. "But for the record, I only slept with him because you slept with the other girls" she added. I stayed silent trying to process everything, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was the only thing I kept thinking about "were you jealous"

Annie gave me a confuse look, probably because out of everything she had told me, I questioned her about the least important one. However, she still answered my question, surprisingly. "Obviously. My feelings don't just go away" she muttered.

I felt my cheeks turn red, which rarely happens. Annies the only one that had made me feel like this. For some reason she didn't feel any embarrassment telling me her true feelings. "Does that mean you'll be mine" I finally managed to ask

She looked down and started to fidget with her fingers. At that point I knew her answer. "I just think we're better apart..." she mumbled.

"I-I don't understand" I stuttered. I never stutter, but this was different. It was the first time I was going through a heartbreak.

"You're first in stink is to have sex with girls. I can't keep going through that pain just because you can't keep your dick in your pants when you're frustrated at me!" She said raising her tone. I didn't bother to argue with her though, I could hear the pain in her tone. I hurt her...I hurt the only girl that made me smile the way Hope does.

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