Chapter 8

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Someone Else

~ Annies Perspective ~

When I came back from my long walk it was dinner time. I went upstairs to check on Hope, however, instead I walked in on her playing with Carson. "Sorry, I didn't know what else to do with her" he says as he starts cleaning the mess he has made. I give him a warm smile "you know you'd be a great dad" I commented as I picked Hope up and gave her some white milk from her bottle.

"I guess..." he responded back while he got up. I watched his posture chance as he looked past me. I gave him a confused look, turning around to see what he was looking at. "Where were you" Johnny muttered, making eye contact with me

"I went for a walk" I mumbled as I felt Carson walk up to me "she's isn't lying, I was with Hope the whole time" he added, defending my comment. Carson's always defended me, he was like an older brother to me so I guess it made sense.

I snapped back into reality as I watched Johnny walk up to Carson "I'm her father. Not you" he said reminding him. I saw Carson's little smile fade away. "That doesn't mean anything...legally you shouldn't even be aloud to see her" I added, defending Carson this time

I could tell Johnny was annoyed at how we were always defending each other, and if we kept going he'll probably end up murdering one of us so I tried my best to change the topic "you have a hickey on your neck..." I mumbled clearing my throat right after.

"What's happening" Lauren said as she walked in curiously. Johnny glared at Carson "nothing" he replied back, walking out of the room. Lauren looked over at me and Carson "I should go..." I mumbled walking out the room to allow Carson and Lauren to have a private conversation.

Somehow I ended up in the same room as Johnny again. I sighed as I sat down on the warm couch, across from him. "Why do you still have feelings for Carson" he asked giving me a deep look, like he was curiously but he was starring at me without blinking. It was kind of creepy

"Um what" I responded, mentally smacking myself in the face as he repeated his question "why do you still have feelings for Carson"

"I-I don't know, why do you have feelings for that girl you were making out with" I questioned, projecting the question back to him. He leaned back on his seat, still giving me that uncomfortable look "who said I had feelings for her" he replied back

I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "Jayden said it's because you've got to know the real him, is that true" he questioned again, not letting go of this. I didn't have any other choice then to respond. "I guess"

He didn't seem to pleased with my answer considering that his stare got more intense. A few minutes later of us staring back and forth, he finally got up. Except he got up to come towards me, which made things much worse. I watched him come closer and attempt to grab Hope from my arms "what do you think you're doing!" I yelled protecting her.

"She's my daughter! I would like to hold her!" He yelled back, trying to grab her again. I started to freak out, I didn't want him to traumatize her so I pushed him off and started to run back up to where Carson and Lauren were. Me and Carson may have our fights but I still trust him, I know there's still a good part of him.

"Woah what happened" Carson asked as he pulled away from Lauren. It wasn't long before Johnny caught up to me. "This bitch pushed me!" He shouted while I covered Hopes ears "shhh! Don't curse in front of my daughter" I muttered while he gave me a death stare "our daughter!" He muttered back, more angrier.

"Why'd you kick him" Lauren asked "I don't want him touching my kid" I commented, making Johnny more and more annoyed "our kid!!!!!" He yelled even louder "and you let Carson touch her!" He added

"I trust Carson" I replied back. All the sudden Hope started to cry so I walked past Carson and Lauren and gently put her on the bed. "Shhhh baby I'm right here" I say sitting down next to her. "Hungry" she muttered while she got up and looked at Johnny. "Get her food!" Johnny muttered at me. I rolled my eyes "she wants you to get it" I muttered back


I cut Johnny off before he could continue to finish his sentence "stop cursing in front of her!!!" I yelled while giving him a glare "I'll get it" Carson offered. Before Johnny could even start a fight with him he had already left. I looked over at Lauren who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable "can you watch her for a second, I need to use the washroom" I said getting up

A small smile appears on her face "sure" she said walking over to Hope as I left. I didn't really need to use the washroom, I could just feel myself starting to get an anxiety attack. I use to get them very often, but ever since Hope was born I thought they stopped.


I tried to wipe my tears, and stop myself from shaking but I couldn't, it was too strong. Conner kneeled down in front of me while pulling me into a hug. But I didn't hug back, I felt like it was wrong since he was dating Jayden "look at me" he said pulling me out of his warm hug. I slowly look up at him with tears in my eyes "think of something or someone who comforts you" he says

Just as I was about to take his advice Johnny walked in "what he fuck is happening here" he muttered. Before he could get a good look at me I had turned around. I looked over at Conner for some help "she just threw up..." Conner replied back, but Johnny was smarter then that. I was no where near the toilet or sink

"I'm sure Jayden would love to hear about this" Johnny commented. But I could t let that happened to Conner so I turned around "No!!!" I shouted with the little voice I had. By the time Johnny had looked at me, I was starting to calm down.

Johnny just stared at me not knowing what to say. "He was just helping me...." I added wiping the tears off my face with my long sleeve shirt. "Go" Johnny muttered looking over at Conner. I nodded at Conner, telling him I would be fine.  Within a second Conner was gone, leaving me and Johnny in the washroom alone

"What happened" he asked in a more calming tone, there was still a little muttering, but I knew it was his normal voice. "I-I just had a small panic attack..." I mumbled trying to make it sound like it was no big deal. He cleared his throat before starting to speak "you have panic attacks"

I looked away from him "it doesn't matter, I'm fine" I said trying to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him "why" he questioned. Somehow I knew what he meant by why. But I didn't want to talk about it, especially with him

"Don't act like you care" I said, taking my arm back and walking away.

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