Chapter 3

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Three Years Later

~ Annies Perspective ~

A lot has changed in the last three years, I finally gave birth to my little princess, Hope, who is almost two and a half years old. I haven't seen or talked to Johnny ever since the money transfer. However, Hayden has helped me so much...he was like a father to Hope so I gave her his last name.... Hope Summerall.

"Baby we need to talk" Hayden says in a soft tone as he walked up to me. "What's wrong" I questioned with a worried face. Every time he says we need to talk it happens to be something bad.

He let out a big sigh before opening his mouth again "we're going into war with Johnnys Mafia..." he says in a low tone. My heart skipped a beat. I've thought of Johnny several times but hearing his name out loud sounded different "w-why" I managed to get out

"He thinks I stole his money and his Mafia's going down while ours his going he wants to prove he's still number one" Hayden muttered, gently holding Hope in his hand.

My attention slowly started to go to her and then back at Hayden "please stay safe..." I mumbled as I leaned in to kiss him "always" he replied back with a smile. I giggled while taking Hope. I love Haydens's normal to see him happy, he isn't like most Mafia leaders...I never see him angry around me.

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

I was pissed at Hayden for stealing my $10k. My Mafia was already going downhill, people think I'm weak and Hayden was making me more pissed by stealing my money!

"Let's kill that son of a bitch" Jayden muttered as she loaded up a gun. I didn't dare to ask why she was angry. However Conner did. "What's wrong baby"

Jayden gives Conner a glare, making him shut up. "Let's go" I said, interrupting their little moment. I was smart enough to know Hayden would never have the money with him, so I sent out my mafia to distract him while I go to his hide out house and take the money back.

I was fairly certain that no one would be home. Haydens dumb enough I send everyone out to fight, leaving the money behind. "You guys stay in the car. I'll get the money and quickly get out" I say getting out of Carson long white van.

Before anyone could deny the plan, I had already ran in the house. "Hope!!" I heard a girl shout as I froze in my tracts. Shit! I thought no one would be home.

"Baby, you need to eat!" The voice said again, slowly getting louder. I couldn't help but recognize that tone. It was a girl for sure...but it was different when she gave me chills, and I don't like chills.

I slowly gripped the gun in my hand, holding it up straight as I walked into the kitchen.

I couldn't believe it "Ahhhhh!!!" She yelled barley even recognizing me. My attention slowly drifted to the baby baby girl...all the sudden I was distracted thinking—

"You!!" She shouted, finally able to recognize me. However I did not see the pot she had thrown at me coming. Before I could make a move she had already ran away with the child— my daughter.

"Wait!!!!" I shouted, completely forgetting why I came here in the first place. It wasn't hard following the sound of a baby crying "you're coming with me" I said pointing the gun at her. "Over my dead body." She muttered back giving me a death stare.

A smirk slowly grew on my face "fine" I say, pointing the gun at the Toddler. "How could you!" She said looking at me as if I was a monster. "You could of had a son but noooo you just had to give birth to a fucking girl. A weak ass girl that can't fucking shut her damn mouth and stop crying!" I say

I had much more to add, but stoped when Annie had covered her ears, holding the baby in her chest. "Don't swear in front of my kid." She says slowly kissing her forehead. I rolled my eyes "our kid" I added.

I wasn't aware of the time, and when I realized I had been here for too long it was too late. Everything went black as I felt a sharp pain in my head

~ Annies Perspective ~

I didn't care about Johnny holding a gun to my head, but as soon as it pointed to Hope, I knew he didn't care about his own child. When I first gave birth to her I thought Johnny left us so we could live out of the Mafia we would be safe but I guess he was just doing what he does best...looking out for himself and his mafia.

"Baby are you ok!!!" Hayden said looking at me with a worried tone as he gently grabbed Hope from my arms. I gave him a small nod while getting up. "Tie him up" I heard Hayden shout to the others. "You probably don't want to be here" he added looking down at me and hope.

I sighed and gave Johnny one last look before walking away. How could he be so heartless. How could he just point a gun at his own daughter. "I'm sorry you have such a bad biological father" I say looking down at Hope. She doesn't deserve this...

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

"Where's my fucking money!!!" I shouted before getting hit by Hayden again. I was use to this pain. My father beat me up for fun when I was four, so this was nothing compared to the things I had to deal with.

Hayden caught my full attention by his laughter "what if I told you Annie stole it" he said giving me a smirk. "Annie?" I questioned "what type of bullshit name is that" I added, hoping to offend him in some way. "The girl you got pregnant" he replied back, rolling his eyes.

So that's the girls name... "sad that you left her though, she's amazing at sex" he said trying to get on my nerves and for some reason it was. "I know, I'm the one that took her virginity" I replied back smirking at him. He sighed— but not a mad or tired type of sigh.

"And yet her— and your daughter got my last name"

I clenched my jaw, almost unable to control my anger. I've never had an issue controlling my anger or any feelings.

"Hope Noelle Summerall" he says raising his tone in happiness. "I don't give a shit about her or her name. I want my money" I muttered holding in the rest of the feelings.

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