Chapter 12

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Better Apart

~ Annies perspective ~

I woke up naked next to Harry, his arms were still wrapped around me while my head was buried in his chest. His eyes fluttered open so I stared "good morning" he said in his crispy morning voice with a small smile. "Good morning" I say smiling back at him.

"You look sexy" he said biting his lips while looking down at my naked cold body. I giggled while cuddling into his room keep my body warm "mmm don't you have a kid" he questioned as I jumped off him "fuck!" I whispered under my breath while quickly getting out of bed.

Harry laughed at me while I rushed to put my clothes on "shut up" I muttered playfully rolling my eyes at him. He let out one last chuckle before getting out of bed as well.

It wasn't long before Johnny walked in. He was covered in hickeys, shirtless, and the love bites were going down his abs, into his pants. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach while I stared at him "what is Harry doing here" Johnny muttered, I could tell he had a headache since he was holding his forehead.

"I was just about to leave." Harry responded back as he ran out. Johnny didn't bother making eye contact with me as I walked past him.

"Hope did you eat" I questioned as I started to make my waffles "yes" she replied back while colouring in the new notebook Lauren had got her. "Can I have some" Harry asked making puppy dog eyes at me. I playfully rolled my eyes and split my waffle with him "you're so cute" I added while watching his face turn red

"What's going on" Johnny mumbled as me and Harry jumped up, startled by the fact that they was behind us. "Nothing..." I mumbled turning around to face him. However he did not seem pleased, and there was a very highs chance he found out something was going on between Harry and I

"Don't fucking lie to me" he muttered again, this time with a more angrier tone. "Hope plug your ears" I ordered as she put down her pencil crayon and plugged her ears. I looked back over at Johnny with a glare "you have a two year old daughter living with you! Stop fucking cursing in front of her!" I yelled back, but not to loud because I know Johnny wouldn't hesitate to kill me if I did.

He gave me a glare back while walking up to us "do not lie to me." He continued to mutter, this time grabbing glass of water. By now, Hope had already lifted her hands from her ear and was listening to us. I didn't like fighting in front of Hope so I let it go.

I watched Harry leave the room uncomfortably. I sighed while looking back at Johnny "what's going on between you two" he questioned but in a softer tone since Hope was starting to listen. No matter how hard Johnny tries his voice will forever sound scary, but I could tell he was trying to make it softer for Hope.

"Nothing..." I mumbled snapping out of my thoughts. He gave me death stare "do not lie to me" he reminded me once more before loosing his temper. I sighed and glanced at Hope. Johnny got the hint and grabbed my arm pulling me into another room. I snatched my hand back, not appreciating him grabbing it in the first place

He stared at me wishing for an answer while I sighed and looked away from him "I was upset that you were going to go fuck some girls so I wanted to go out too, but Harry stopped me—."

Johnny had terrible patients, he cut me off right after I started talking "get to the fucking point" he muttered with more angry. I rolled my eyes, but tried not to make it noticeable because I know he'll get even more frustrated. "We had sex" I blurted out as I saw Johnny take a step back.

I expected him to shout— or do something at me but he just looked...broken...

For the first time, I had caught him off guard. He looked at me and then away "I thought you don't go around fucking guys like that" he muttered with the little voice he could manage to speak with. However, I didn't know how to answer his question, I'm not the type of girl that just does hook ups, let alone kiss a guy.

I guess I let me jealousy get in the way, but I wasn't going to admit that to him. Although, I didn't want to lie to him either so I stayed silent.

Luckily Hope came running in, saving me from this conversation. "What are you talking about mama" she asked as she looked up at mine and Johnnys serious faces. "We we're thinking about getting you some ice cream!" I say as I picked her up "chocolate!!!" She shouted with a huge smile on her face, causing me to smile too.

But when I looked up at Johnny he just stared, with no smile, or angry face, and he wasn't smiling either. Was this is sad face?

I didn't want to make it awkward, and I figured Johnny didn't want to give us a ride considering that he hated driving so I was on my way out the room until Johnny started to speak again "where are you going" he asked walking up to me and Hope.

"Ice cream shop" I replied back as I watched Johnnys blank expression go even lower "and who would be driving you there because you're sure as hell not going to be taking my car"

I stayed silent knowing that what was I was about to say was going to make him angry. But if I didn't reply he'll start another fight with Hope in my arms. So I took a deep breath and opened my mouth "Harry"

"Did someone say my name?" Harry asked while walking into the room. A small smile appeared on my face, but it quickly faded away when I could tell Johnny could notice. "No. I will be taking you" he muttered, glaring at Harry which scared him off

Great. I just made myself in an even worse position. "Let's go" Johnny muttered while walking out the room. I sighed while following him "why is daddy mean" Hope asked as I put her into the car seat and tucked in her belt. "I'm not mad." He responded back with a slightly calmer tone.

"What's that on your neck" Hope asked. This time I was sitting beside her while putting my seat belt on. Johnny ignored Hopes question and I know Hope hates when people do that so I answered it for her "his girlfriends gave that to him"

I watched Johnny look at me through the car mirror as I looked out the window.

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