5.4|Tamas • Nawaz N Nikhat|

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Qaina had her eyes closed, obviously it wouldn't make any difference if she had them opened. After all, it was always dark for her. But like any normal person with proper eyesight, she also tends to close her eyes automatically when trying to sleep. It was natural for her.

The door opened, but she didn't move. She could smell the fragrance of smoke and roses in the air around her, which means the intruder was her husband.

She kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Nawaz was an awkward person. It took him lots of efforts to talk with new people. Qaina was also new in his life. He would talk to her but only if she starts the conversation. He still wasn't comfortable with her. And Qaina wanted to change it for good.

And the only way was to fake sleep. Because Nawaz won't resist touching her when she is asleep, which she got to know on their wedding night, that was the previous night.

And as expected she felt a breath close to her lips.

He's going to kiss me?

A thumb gently rubbed against her lower lip, and slowly traced its path to her cheeks, to jaw, to neck, to collarbone. She gasped when all of a sudden she felt him kiss her collarbone.

Her eyes opened on their own and her face expressed her astonishment.

"I knew you are faking sleep, just like the last night." Nawaz spoke, a smirk lingering on his lips.

"How do you got to know?" She asked, her tone was breathless.

"From your heavy, long yet firm breaths."

"Oh." That was all she could say.

"Now you tell me why you pretended to sleep last night as well as now?"

"Umm... I was afraid."

"Even now?"

"No! I just wanted to observe your reaction."

"Like I'll touch you or not." He caressed her cheeks while saying so, making her body shiver.

"Maybe." She mumbled slowly.

"Maybe, huh? Let me show you my reaction."

His hands went underneath her Kurti.

"Arey, I can't see! You can't show me anything." She uttered whatever came to her mind.

"But I can make you feel things, you know." His hands were few inches away from her brassiere.

"Please stop! I don't want to feel anything." She was genuinely afraid of intimacy.

Nawaz smiled and pulled his hands out of her dress. He hovered over her body, his arms supporting his weight of either sides. His eyes looking into her empty ones, trying to find some emotions in them. But all he could see was two lifeless shining pearls, something very contradictory to her lively vibes.

"You are so innocent, Qaina." The way he said these words, she felt adored and loved.

She put her hands on his shoulders and slowly began massaging them. Trying to ease this conversation through her gestures. Trying to make him feel comfortable with her.

He moaned at the relaxation he experienced. His tense muscles relaxed at her touch.

He got up suddenly, but only to remove his Kurta and again leaned onto her body. Her cheeks had crimson red hues while touching his bare skin.

"Feeling shy to touch your husband? How will you manage our love making sessions then?" He teased her.

She was smiling shyly. Her fingers doing wonders on his shoulders.

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