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Sunoo woke up to the sound of his alarm. He shifted his position and grabbed his phone to turn his alarm off, before sitting up straight and rubbing his eyes.

"Huh. That's weird, did I cry last night?" He muttered and realized the events that partook. He ruffled his disheveled, blond hair in frustration and laid back down as he placed a pillow over his face. "YOU CRIED IN FRONT OF NISHIMURA RIKI!!?"

"You dumb dumb..." He groaned and squealed loudly, muffling his screeches with his pillow. After a few minutes of coming back to his senses, he got up from his bed to prepare for his school.

Sunoo left his dorm room with his bag over his shoulder. He glanced at the door across him, which was Riki's room. 'I wonder if he already left? Juniors start earlier classes...' He stood by his doorframe and reached for his phone.


thank you for last night.

it was really embarrassing tbh 😂

but still, thank you for the dinner at the karaoke bar and the takoyaki

i enjoyed the night with you! 😊

He sheepishly placed his phone back in his pocket and soon left as he didn't want to run late.

The membership for the clubs started in the morning. Sunoo looked around the people in the clubs he joined, which was music club and math club. He searched for Riki but for some reason, he couldn't be seen.

Lunch then started and as soon as the class was dismissed for the break, Sunoo rushed out to Riki's room, just to make sure. As he was walking to a hallway, he stumbled upon Daniel. "Daniel!" Sunoo said, grabbing the younger's arm to catch his attention.

"Oh, Sunoo sunbaenim," he muttered, "what is it?" The tall boy sheepishly chuckled.

"Did Ni-ki come to class?" He asked.

"Ahh, no, he didn't enter today. I just signed up for his membership for the clubs he wanted to join because I knew what he wanted to be a part of," Daniel said as Sunoo released his grip on his arm. "The teacher did deliver his uniforms earlier, though. It's placed on his desk."

"I'll hand it over to him later on, then. And thank you for filling up Ni-ki's membership forms for him."

"No problem, and, thanks sunbae," Daniel flashed him a polite smile and soon excused himself to go to the cafeteria.

"Yah! Kim Sunoo!" Jungwon grumbled as he caught Sunoo walking around the hallway. Jungwon was carrying a bento box along with him and he approached Sunoo who seemed somehow lost. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Sorry, Won," Sunoo sheepishly stated. "Can you accompany me to the other building? I need to talk to Jake."

"You're kidding me, right? Jake hyung's eating in EN College right now, and there's no doubt that he's with Sunghoon. Him, Heeseung hyung, Sunghoon and Jay are best friends, it's sure that they're eating together!"

"C'mon, don't you wanna see your boyfriend? Then come with me," Sunoo went forward to the exit of EN Academy.

Jungwon quickly ran towards him to match their walking pace. "What? Are you crazy? Your ex is there, Sun."

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