Chapter 1

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Kimo's POV

"Welcome to Chicken Done Right, where our chicken is always scru- scru- scrumptious! May I take your order?" I chirped, plastering a wide smile on my face.

The woman in front of me was wearing gold earrings the size of my head. Her dainty fingers twirled the end of her long, midnight black hair as she tilted her head to the side, peering at my name tag. "Kimo. That's a pretty name."

"Thank you," I replied, flashing her a smile. The place was packed today and the customer standing behind her looked as if he was about to blow a fuse. "Would you like to try one of our combos?"

She placed her hands on the counter and leaned forward, causing me to take an involuntary step back. "I thought you would like to go out with me."

"That's nice of you, but I'm not looking for a relationship." A relationship from her. I was already in a relationship with an incredibly handsome, kind and supportive guy. My mouth threatened to curve up at the corners from just the thought of him, but I didn't think this woman would have appreciated me smiling as I rejected her.

"Wouldn't it be nice to eat something that isn't out of a take-out box?" she asked, batting her eyelashes again and flashing me an innocent smile like she didn't just throw me a passive aggressive insult.

First, rude! Second, food from take-out boxes was amazing! I'd take curly fries and some barbecue wings any day over lobster. Not that I can remember ever tasting lobster, but curly fries and wings really hit the spot. Third, I was in a very loving relationship.

"I have a boyfriend, and I'm very happy with him. May I take your order?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Inventing a boyfriend, whatever, I'm way too good for you anyway." With a flick of her ponytail, she spun around and marched out of the restaurant, her designer heels clicking against the tiles as she went. I released a soft sigh, counting it as a small victory that I didn't get anything thrown in my face this time.

My eyes momentarily drifted down to the movie script next to the cash register. I still had hope that one day I'd make it as an actor. This job was only temporary.

"Welcome to Chicken Done Right, where our chicken is always scru- scru- scrumptious! May I take your order?" I said with a smile, greeting my next customer.

The next few hours dragged on, but finally it was time for my break. I snatched up my script and made my way to the back of the restaurant, removing the mandatory, obnoxious yellow hat from my head and shoving it into my pocket.

Once I was settled on a rickety box of crates near the dumpster, I opened the script before I took a swing of water and cleared my throat.

"How could you sleep with my brother! Get out! Get out of my house you motherf-"

"Trouble in paradise?" Becky asked, poking her head around the door and interrupting my practice run.

Her auburn hair was in a low hanging ponytail, brushing against the hideous yellow uniform that we were forced to wear.

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "No, Becks. I don't have a brother, and Connor would never cheat on me." All thoughts of my boyfriend immediately brought a smile to my face.

Connor and I were best friends. We had known each other for seven years and had been dating for five of those years. Four years ago, we moved in together and had been living together ever since. He was my high school sweetheart, the love of my life and the only person for me.

"Earth to Kimo." Becky leaned against the fence, a few feet away from me and pulled out a cigarette. "That lovestruck look on your face makes me want to throw up." She fake gagged before she grinned and took a drag from her cancer on a stick.

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