Chapter 19

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Hello again!! I hope you're enjoying this so far!! 

I've decided to reveal who's next during Chapter 25, and I'll be posting more often because I'm finishing up with chapters!!


"Thanks for coming with me, B," I murmured. She was sitting next to me at a nicer restaurant after helping heave my limp and aching body into a suit. Why did I even bother dressing up for them?

"I didn't know your cut would look so hot on a suit," she grinned deviously next to me. Blade and Torch were sitting with their cuts under their jackets in the corner of the restaurant. With the state of my burns, I wouldn't be able to do shit if they tried something. They'd ordered some food, trying to look normal, but Blade made a commotion when he spit out a bit of whatever he'd bought.

No one in the club had anything near refined tastes.

"Noah," my mother whispered excitedly as they approached the table. Torch smacked Blade and motioned for him to pay attention. Unfortunately, my father had decided to attend. Beatrice raised her eyes at my real name before standing to greet them...something I was unable to do.

"Hi," Beatrice pulled a large smile onto her face, "I'm Beatrice. The girlfriend."

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you," my mother murmured. Instead of taking her hand, she yanked Beatrice into a hug and patted her back quickly.

"You as well," Beatrice pulled away and motioned for them to take their seats. I left my right arm on my lap so I didn't use it and Beatrice, sitting on my right side, was ready to help whenever needed. My mom spotted it before we'd even ordered our drinks.

"Are you alright?" She leaned forward in her chair. I cleared my throat and wiggled a bit in my chair. My mother gasped loudly and leaned forward even more. "I didn't even notice the wheelchair. What happened?"

"That's actually why I wanted to meet, but let's order, first," I murmured. I was starting to second guess everything. There's no way my parents did this. We ordered quicker than I would have like, but as soon as Beatrice grabbed on to my hand and held tight, I knew I needed to get this over with. I used my left hand to pull something from Beatrice's bag and slide it across the table.

My father reached for it and opened it wide enough so that my mother could see. The folder included several pieces of information: pictures of the explosion, including the few parts of the bomb that remained, a picture of footage Comp had deep in his lair of the asphalt company laying down the asphalt, and a sheet showing all of the unnamed, random, very large payments my parents made to them around that time.

It wasn't looking good for them.

"Is this what hurt you?" My mother's hand covered her mouth and tears filled her eyes. She pushed the folder towards my father so she couldn't see it anymore.

"What are you implying, son?" My dad, the only one of them who read the last paper, asked me with a narrow glare.

"You tell me," I glared and leaned forward. "What the hell are those payments? Right now, you are the main suspects, so unless you have a fantastic goddamn excuse, you're going to run into trouble."

"What payments?" My mother turned towards my father. He looked at her, then at me, and handed her the paper.

"I can explain—"

"I don't know anything about this! I don't! I just want to get to know you," my mom's voice got louder and the tears started falling down her face. The paper she was holding began to shake until she put it down and tried to calm down.

"Let me explain," dad reached a hand out to touch my mother's back. It didn't make it better, nor worse. "I got into a...problem a couple years ago. I started gambling with the owner of the company. All of those payments are the money I lost."

"You what?" My "perfect" family was falling apart in front of my eyes. My parents had started quietly arguing with each other when the food arrived, but the only hungry one was Beatrice. They continued their argument after the waiter walked away, and Beatrice began to eat quietly. I opened my mouth to interrupt when my phone rang loudly in my right pocket.


"We've got new information. It wasn't your parents," Pres said over the phone. I found my shoulders drooping in relief and turned my attention to Beatrice. I nodded slightly to assure her that everything is alright. I hung up a few moments later with the agreement to meet at the clubhouse as soon as possible.

"It was just confirmed that it wasn't you two," I said. My mother rested her elbows on the table, and her head in her hands. It wasn't out of relief, but exhaustion.

"We're going to talk about this when we get home," my mom sent an icy glare to my father, then turned back to me. "So, there was an explosion?"

"It happened just after I'd left. Sniper was the only one hurt," Beatrice answered. My mom flinched slightly at the sound of my riding name but didn't question it.

"Are you feeling okay?" My mom leaned forward. It seemed our food was completely forgotten.

"I'm okay. Though, I am due for another dose of meds soon, so we should probably head back," I motioned to Beatrice who stood and began gathering our things. Blade and Torch quietly exited behind them so they could pull the car around.

"Noah! Wait," my mom scrambled to stand up. "Can we meet again soon? Now that this situation is all figured out."

"I'm still thinking about it. This was just to investigate," I murmured. My mom tried not to show her disappointment, but it was my choice. They had made an astronomical mistake ten years ago and just...expect me to want to return to them? No. That's not how it works.

When Beatrice began to wheel me away, I stopped her for a moment. My mother had gone through a lot today, and I found...just now...that I still had a soft spot for her.

"Come here," I motioned with my left arm in the air.

"Be careful of the right side of his body," Beatrice jumped in. Mom rushed towards me but slowed down the closer she got and softly brought me into a hug. I patted her on the back a few times before she pulled back, still teary, and waved.

"Did it go well?" Torch asked as he folded up the wheelchair and set it in the bed of one of the club's larger trucks.

"As well as it could've. Pres call you?"

"Yep. Alright, I'll help you hop into the front seat so you don't have to bend your legs," Torch already had an arm under one of mine, but he helped me hop to the passenger seat and lifted me up with a grunt.

"Thanks, man." Blade and Beatrice hopped into the back seat and we were back to the clubhouse in no time. I was helped back out of the car and put back into a wheelchair since the crutches had been vetoed.

"That went...better than I expected," Beatrice commented. We had parked outside the gate, for once, because half of it was completely destroyed and the parking lot was a mess. There was rubble everywhere, and barely a clear path to walk in because Pres wanted to be sure about who he hired next.

"Thanks for coming," I smiled to her. She grabbed my left hand resting on the armrest and held it all the way.

"Club meeting in five," Torch muttered to both of us. Some people were already filing into our "conference room".

"I'll be back. I can't thank you enough for being there today," I squeezed Beatrice's hand and smiled at her. I was going to suggest she could stay out here with the old ladies, but they'd be in the meeting as well. It sucked to leave her out.

"I'll see you in a bit."


Hope you enjoyed!! New chapter coming Friday.

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