Chapter 16

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Hello!! I'm on a roll with this story, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

This chapter is going to get intense!!


"For once, I don't want to go back," I chuckled.

I was clutching Beatrice's hand tightly in her compact car as we sat in front of the clubhouse once again. Rooster had given me a shit-eating grin when we pulled through the gates and I prayed Beatrice hadn't noticed.

"Well, I have to go to work, so you're going to have to get your ass out," Beatrice smiled. I leaned over quickly, surprising her, and kiss her cheek, pulling away just as fast as I'd leaned in.

"I'll call you. Thanks for taking me out," I said before climbing out of her car. She reacted with a smile just as I shut the door. A catcall came from the tower by the gate as her car pulled away.

"Fuck off!" I shouted with a middle finger towards the tower. Rooster's laugh echoed through the parking lot, and I stayed to listen to it until Beatrice's car was out of the lot. Once the gate started closing, I jogged towards the command tower.

"You think you're fucking funny?" I asked Rooster as soon as I was within earshot. He was practically bent over laughing, wiping tears from his eyes. I had just made it past the first step of the tower when the ground began to rumble beneath me. Rooster's eyes widened and his hand hit the alarm button just before the front gate suddenly exploded.

"Mayday! Mayday at the front gate! Man down!"

I didn't think anyone else was awake, but within seconds men swarmed out of the clubhouse with their guns drawn. Rooster was...on top of me? He'd been protected from the blast, the tower receiving minimal damage, and didn't seem hurt at all. Tires screeched in the background, but the guns were put away.

"Damnit Sniper, again?" Pres grunted as he crouched down next to me. "I want everyone inside! Doc, I'll help carry him."

"Oh my god, I saw the explosion in my rearview mirror—is everyone okay?" Someone's voice—Beatrice!

"B," I was able to mutter. I groaned as I was picked up, pain flaring so deeply into my right side that it took my breath away immediately.

"Sniper! Oh my god!" Beatrice shouted from somewhere to my left.

"We need to get inside now. You can see him in a second," I heard Maya insist. It was silence—except the sound of a lot of boots hitting the ground—until we got into the bar area.

"Straight into my office," Doc muttered. I was dropped onto the table with a few curses, some coming from me, and hiss left my lips when hands pressed into my left side.

"I'll be back. Keep me updated," I watched Pres press his earpiece before leaving the room. Beatrice ran in at the exact same time.

"Holy shit," her eyes grew wide. She moved to my uninjured side and grabbed my hand softly, making sure it was uninjured, before squeezing it tightly.

"It-the explosion moved my car, I can't imagine how you feel," she whispered to me.

"Lucky you weren't in the parking lot still," I managed to whisper. She smiled at me, but it was more of a sad smile, and tears filled her eyes. The physical pain was nothing compared to the look in her eyes.

"He'll be alright—scarred, but alright," Doc sighed. He cut my shirt open and moved to my pants a second later. I winced as he peeled the cloth away from my burnt skin and kept my eyes on Beatrice. She didn't seem to want to move her eyes from me either.

"Shit," she suddenly cursed. "I need to call my dad and let him know I'm not coming in."

"Go ahead. I'm probably going to strip him naked and check his entire body," Doc said softly. I wiggled my eyebrows at Beatrice, earning a small giggle, and a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be back," she promised. In a flurry of movement, she was out the door and Doc was pulling the rest of the clothes from my body.

"How's it looking?" I grunted. He took a second or two to respond.

"I'm going to call Jasmine. You look fine, just burnt pretty much the entire right side of your body and from the looks of it, sprained a ligament in your left leg. Give me one second," Doc murmured. He finished what he was doing before calling Jasmine in. She was there in less than ten seconds.

"Any other injured?" He asked her.

"Rooster had a scrape on his arm, but other than that no injuries," I heard her respond. She slapped on some gloves and got to work right alongside Doc.

"How are you doing pain-wise?" She murmured quietly.

"Um, 'bout an eight. I feel like my whole body's on fire," I muttered. She nodded but didn't ask any further questions.

"You're going to be bed ridden for a while, just a warning," Doc said in a voice full of sympathy. The door cracked open and Beatrice rushed back to my side.

"Shit!" She said loudly and smacked her hands to cover her face. One quick glance down proved that my clothes were still off.

"I'll get him in a gown, B. Just one second," Jasmine muttered. Her hands helped push my body up so she could wrap the gown around me and gently let me lie down again. "He's good now."

"Sorry," I whispered when she leaned back down.

"It's okay," she assured, "it looks like they're almost done!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah, but I'm going to be stuck in bed for who knows how long," I sighed. She smirked at the grumpy look on my face while I grimaced as the last bandage was placed on the final section of my burns.

"Would it help if I stayed in bed with you?" Beatrice asked. Doc and Jasmine began to clean up the room, pretending they couldn't hear us.

"You'll have to go to work every day, but I think we can make it work," I smiled. She kissed my forehead and pulled back as Doc started giving me instructions.

How to wash, blah blah blah, and that he would check in on me almost every day until I could do it myself. Pres let himself in quietly at the end of Doc's monologue.

"Any info?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Not yet. Comp and Torch are working on it. We've got all the construction guys closing up shop today to fix the gate," he sighed. "Did you see anything out there? Either of you?"

"Nah," I answered for both of us.

"Any information you got for me?" Pres' tone was strong, but his eyes pleaded for an answer.

"The ground rumbled a second or two before the explosion hit, but that's all I've got," I told him. He nodded and began typing on his phone as he backed out of the room.

"I'll keep you posted," he promised and left to deal with the mess. I turned to Beatrice who looked a little frazzled but was bustling through this incident like a trooper.

"Let's crawl into bed, shall we?"


OMG!! This chapter was crazy!!

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